Tag Archives: f.roques

Marchés, Sécurité Energétique et Diversification Technologique – Le Nucléaire comme Couverture, Face aux Risques de Prix du Gaz et du Carbone?

Fabien Roques, David Newbery, William Nuttall, Richard de Neufville Marchés, Sécurité Energétique et Diversification Technologique – Le Nucléaire comme Couverture, Face aux Risques de Prix du Gaz et du Carbone? Revue de L’Energie, (568), pp 373-385, RPR Published November-December 2005 Continue Reading

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EPRG 0509

Fabien Roques, William Nuttall, David Newbery, Richard De Neufville Nuclear Power: A Hedge against Uncertain Gas and Carbon Prices? EPRG 0509  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: High fossil fuel prices have rekindled interest in nuclear power. This paper identifies specific nuclear characteristics making it unattractive to merchant generators in liberalised electricity markets, and argues… Continue Reading

EPRG 0626

Fabien Roques, David Newbery, William Nuttall Fuel mix diversification incentives in liberalised electricity markets: a Mean-Variance Portfolio Theory Approach EPRG 0626 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Energy Economics 30 (4) 2008, 1831-1849. Available at: ScienceDirect Abstract: The risks and returns associated with different choices of electricity generation technology cannot properly be considered in… Continue Reading

EPRG 0619

Fabien Roques, William Nuttall, David Newbery Using Probabilistic Analysis to Value Power Generation Investments Under Uncertainty EPRG 0619 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper reviews the limits of the traditional ‘levelised cost’ approach to properly take into account risks and uncertainties when valuing different power generation technologies. We introduce a probabilistic valuation model of… Continue Reading

EPRG 0616

Fabien Roques Price Cap Regulation and Investment Incentives Under Demand Uncertainty EPRG 0616 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: We study the e¤ect of price cap regulation on investment in new capacity in an oligopolistic (Cournot) industry, using a continuous time model with stochastic demand. A price cap has two mutually competing e¤ects on investment under… Continue Reading

EPRG 0726

Fabien Roques Technology Choices for New Entrants in Liberalised Markets: The Value of Operating Flexibility and Contractual Arrangements EPRG 0726 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: New entrants in liberalised electricity markets which are not vertically integrated and do not operate a large and diversified portfolio of generation technologies are likely to favour technologies which offer… Continue Reading

EPRG 0826

Dominique Finon, Fabien Roques Financing arrangements and industrial organisation for new nuclear build in electricity markets EPRG 0826 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: D. Finon & F. Roques, (2008). “Financing Arrangements and Industrial Organisation for New Nuclear Build in Electricity Markets,” Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Intersentia, vol. 9(3), pages 247-282, September Abstract:… Continue Reading

EPRG 0810

Fabien Roques Market Design for Generation Adequacy: Healing Causes rather than Symptoms EPRG 0810 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper argues that electricity market reform – particularly the need for complementary mechanisms to remunerate capacity – need to be analysed in the light of the local regulatory and institutional environment. If there is a… Continue Reading

EPRG 0923

D. Hamilton, W. J. Nuttall, F. A. Roques Agent-Based Simulation of Technology Adoption: Possible phenomenologies associated with consumer shifts to local electricity generation EPRG 0923 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: We present an agent based model of technology diffusion where bounded rational agents are faced with uncertainty about the performance of the new technology versus… Continue Reading

EPRG 0911

Fabien Roques, Céline Hiroux and Marcelo Saguan Optimal Wind Power Deployment in Europe – a Portfolio Approach EPRG 0911 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract:  Geographic diversification of wind farms can smooth out the fluctuations in wind power generation and reduce the associated system balancing and reliability costs. The paper uses historical wind production data from… Continue Reading