Micheal Pollitt and Tooraj Jamasb
The Future of Electricity Demand: Customers, Citizens and Loads
What will electricity and heat demand look like in a low-carbon world? Ambitious environmental targets will modify the shape of the electricity sector in the twenty-first century. ‘Smart’ technologies and demand-side management will be some of the key features of the future of electricity systems in a low-carbon world. Meanwhile, the social and behavioural dimensions will complement and interact with new technologies and policies. Electricity demand in the future will increasingly be tied up with the demand for heat and for transport. The Future of Electricity Demand looks into the features of the future electricity demand in light of the challenges posed by climate change. Written by a team of leading academics and industry experts, the book investigates the economics, technology, social aspects, and policies and regulations which are likely to characterize energy demand in a low-carbon world. It provides a comprehensive and analytical perspective on the future of electricity demand.
Published in September 2011 | Cambridge University Press | Amazon
Marina van Geenhuizen, W. J. Nuttall, David Gibson, Elin OftedalEnergy and Innovation: Structural Change and Policy Implications
The move towards sustainable energy production and use is one the most challenging and profound changes currently taking place in the world’s established and emerging economies. Energy and Innovation: Structural Change and Policy Implications presents a series of informative case studies from Norway, the United Kingdom, Poland, the United States, Russia, Japan, and China that demonstrate how the pace of sustainable energy production differs by country.
Part 1 examines the challenges of increasing sustainable energy production. The main themes include differences between countries in the European Union concerning energy consumption, energy security, smart metering, and resistance to change. Part 2 presents challenges to innovation in different economic systems. The authors contrast developed European and North American systems with emerging economies such as that of China. Their focus is on improving the innovation capabilities of firms and organizations through enhanced access to knowledge. Solutions include corporate collaborations with the academic sector and access to investment capital. Part 3 surveys the range of industry sectors that are adopting environmentally-friendly solutions. There is a special focus on start-up companies that are working to bring new energy-production technologies to the market.
Published in 15 October 2010 | Purdue University Press
François Lévêque, Jean-Michel Glachant, Julián Barquín, Christian von Hirschhausen, Franziska Holz, and William J. Nuttall
Security Of Energy Supply In Europe: Natural Gas, Nuclear and Hydrogen
In economic, technical and political terms, the security of energy supply is of the utmost importance for Europe. Alongside competition and sustainability, supply security represents a cornerstone of the EU’s energy policy, and in times of rising geopolitical conflict plays an increasingly important role in its external relations. Within this context, the contributors analyse and explore the natural gas, nuclear, and hydrogen energy sectors, which will be of critical significance for the future of energy supplies in Europe.
The book opens with an extensive exploration of the very definition of ‘supply security’ and moves beyond sector-specific debates to highlight the political sensitivity surrounding energy security. The expert contributors apply a policy perspective, underpinned by theoretical discussion, to economic analysis in order to yield policy-relevant conclusions. They illustrate that the EU lacks a coherent transnational energy policy, that national energy policies fail to match EU goals and that, ultimately, sustainable energy policies, more competition, and better regulation will improve global welfare.
Academics and EU policymakers – both at national and international levels – will find that the topical policy recommendations, extensive overview of supply security, and detailed perspectives on the natural gas, nuclear and hydrogen sectors presented herewith constitute an invaluable reference and research tool.
Published in July 2010 | Edward Elgar Publishing
Michael Grubb, Tooraj Jamasb, Michael G. Pollitt
Delivering a Low-Carbon Electricity System: Technologies, Economics and Policy
Meeting targets aimed at tackling the climate change challenge requires moving towards a low-carbon economy. These targets can only be met with major reductions in carbon emissions from the electricity sector. Written by a team of leading academics and industry experts, Delivering a Low Carbon Electricity System analyses the social, technological, economic and political issues that affect the attempt to create a low-carbon electricity sector and assesses the main instruments for achieving this aim. The book begins by looking at how low-carbon generation technologies might be added in sufficient quantity to the electricity system. Next, it examines how networks and the demand side can help to decarbonise the sector. It then highlights the role of innovation and discusses instruments for promoting technological progress. Finally, given the economic framework and technological possibilities, it presents a number of general and specific policy instruments and options for the future.
This book addresses the broader policy questions involved in meeting targets to reduce carbon emissions and offers solutions developed across the Supergen work-streams.
Published July 2008 | University of Cambridge Press
Simon Taylor
Privatisation and Financial Collapse in the Nuclear Industry: The Origins and Causes of the British Energy Crisis of 2002
A timely contribution and incisive analysis, this is the story of the British experiment in privatizing the nuclear power industry and its subsequent financial collapse. It tells how the UK’s pioneering role in nuclear power led to bad technology choices, a badly flawed restructuring of the electricity industry and the end of government support for nuclear power.
In this volume Simon Taylor has combined interviews with former executives, regulators and analysts with his own unique insight into the nuclear industry to provide an analysis of the origins of the crisis and the financial and corporate strategies used by British Energy plc.
Arguing that the stock market was a major factor in the company’s collapse by misunderstanding its finances, over-valuing the shares and giving wrong signals to management and that the government policy of trying to put all responsibility for nuclear liabilities in the hands of the private sector was neither credible nor realistic. The book concludes that failure was not inevitable but resulted from a mixture of internal and external causes that casts doubt on the policy of combining a wholly nuclear generator with liberalized power markets.
This book will be of great interest to students engaged with the history of nuclear power in the UK, privatization, regulation and financial and corporate strategy, as well as experts, policy makers and strategists in the field.
Published July 5th 2007 | Routledge
Tooraj Jamasb, William J. Nuttall, Michael G. Pollitt
Future Electricity Technologies and Systems
Where will our electricity come from in the future, and how will we use it? The UK is aiming for a 60% reduction of 1990 carbon dioxide emission levels by 2050, yet the electricity industry and patterns of electricity use must change radically if this is to be achieved. This authoritative overview analyses a range of possible scenarios for the future of electricity in the UK. Specialists in various renewable electricity technologies demonstrate the potential each has to play a significant role. Other routes to a low-carbon electricity system are also considered, including nuclear power, improved power electronics, a wider use of superconducting technology, and micro-generation systems including combined heat and power. The book concludes by examining opportunities for demand side improvements in architecture, industry and transport. Each chapter is written by a technical expert in a manner accessible to readers interested in energy technology, policy and economics.
The book is a result of collaboration between the Supergen FutureNet consortium and other Supergen consortia.
Published July 2006 | University of Cambridge Press
William J. Nuttall
Nuclear Renaissance: Technologies and Policies for the Future of Nuclear Power
With growing concerns over environmental issues and global energy consumption, there is increasing interest in nuclear power generation, despite its diminished role in the West over the last few decades. Many of those involved with nuclear power and environmental agencies see controlled expansion of nuclear plants as the most environmentally friendly way of meeting growing energy demands.
Nuclear Renaissance: Technologies and Policies for the Future of Nuclear Power examines the future of nuclear power in the contexts of economics, environmental sustainability, and security of electricity supplies. A range of future technologies is considered, illustrating the technical challenges and opportunities facing nuclear power.
This semi-technical overview of modern technologies meets the growing interest from scientists, environmentalists, and governments in the potential expansion of nuclear power. Various countries are starting to announce plans for new nuclear plants, either to replace those being decommissioned or to provide additional power. Many commentators regard this renaissance as just beginning.
Nuclear Renaissance: Technologies and Policies for the Future of Nuclear Power is essential reading for physicists, engineers, policy-makers, researchers, energy analysts and graduate students in energy sciences, engineering and public policy.
Published 30th December 2004 | Taylor & Francis