Presentations-2007Michael Pollitt: Liberalisation and Regulation: Getting the Balance Right SGBI Annual Conference Presented 2007 Karsten Neuhoff: Improving investment framework for low carbon technologies Presented at 5te Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung TU Wien, Vienna, 14-16 February 2007 Download | Summary | PDF D Reiner: Overview of Public Acceptance of CCS Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum Workshop, Paris Presented March 2007 D Reiner: ACCSEPT Survey on CO2 Capture and Storage: Resume of key findings and implications European Climate Change Program Stakeholder Meeting, Brussels Presented May 2007 Reiner, D., Liang, X., Sun, X., Zhu, Y., Li, J: Stakeholder attitudes towards Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Technologies in China International Climate Change Conference, Hong Kong Presented 29-31 May 2007 D Reiner: The Big Ask: Can mass delusion lead us on to a path to stablise GHG concentration? MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Forum, Cambridge, MA Presented June 2007