UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre (UKCCSRC)
Short description: UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre (UKCCSRC)
The aim of the UKCCSRC is to provide a national focal point for CCS research and development in order to bring together the user community and academics to analyse problems, devise and carry out world-leading research and share delivery, thus maximising impact. The amount of funding is £10M over 5 years from the EPSRC and RCUK Energy Programme divided across ten institutions and numerous academic departments. Dr David Reiner is involved in the Centre as the Coordination Group member responsible for social science research and serves as Research Area Champion for Policy, Economics and Finance.
Duration: 1 April, 2012 – 31 March, 2017
Amount awarded: £10M
Outside partners : More details on the Centre and its participants in the UKCCSRC can be found here