Author Archives: Heather Stallard

Restructuring of US Electricity Industry and FERC’s Role in Guiding the Development of Efficient Competitive Wholesale Electricity Markets

Paul Joskow Restructuring of US Electricity Industry and FERC’s Role in Guiding the Development of Efficient Competitive Wholesale Electricity Markets Statement before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate Published 12 November 2002 | Available at Continue Reading

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Policy assessment and good practices

Richard Green, Arturo Lorenzoni, Yannick Perez, Michael Pollitt Policy assessment and good practices Presented at the Conference – Implementing the Internal Market of Electricity: Proposals and Time Tables, Brussels Presented 9 September 2005 | Available at Continue Reading

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Marchés, Sécurité Energétique et Diversification Technologique – Le Nucléaire comme Couverture, Face aux Risques de Prix du Gaz et du Carbone?

Fabien Roques, David Newbery, William Nuttall, Richard de Neufville Marchés, Sécurité Energétique et Diversification Technologique – Le Nucléaire comme Couverture, Face aux Risques de Prix du Gaz et du Carbone? Revue de L’Energie, (568), pp 373-385, RPR Published November-December 2005 Continue Reading

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American exceptionalism? Similarities and differences in national attitudes towards energy policy and global warming

D. Reiner, T.E. Curry, M.A. de Figueiredo, H.J. Herzog, S.D. Ansolabehere, K. Itaoka, F. Johnsson, M. Odenberger American exceptionalism? Similarities and differences in national attitudes towards energy policy and global warming Environmental Science and Technology Published 2006 Continue Reading

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Competitive distortions and leakage in a world of different carbon prices: Trade, competitiveness and employment challenges when meeting the post-2012 climate commitments in the European Union (2008)

A Makipaa, K Neuhoff, R Czarencki, M Mehling, N Meyer-Ohlendorf, S Monjon, P Quiron, U Lenr, C Lutz Competitive distortions and leakage in a world of different carbon prices: Trade, competitiveness and employment challenges when meeting the post-2012 climate commitments in the European Union (2008) Published by: Temporary Committee on Climate Change Report: European Parliament… Continue Reading

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