Category Archives: News

Policy Brief “The US Shale Oil Revolution Requires Major Reforms in the Macroeconomic Policy Frameworks and Institutions in the MENA Region” by K. Mohaddes

Kamiar Mohaddes, EPRG Associate Researcher, published a policy brief “The US Shale Oil Revolution Requires Major Reforms in the Macroeconomic Policy Frameworks and Institutions in the MENA Region” at the Economic Research Forum. The brief is available online Continue Reading

Article “Climate Policy After the Paris 2015 Climate Conference” by J. Vinuales, J. Depledge, D. Reiner and E. Lees

David Reiner together with Jorge Vinuales, Joanna Depledge and Emma Lees published a guest edited issue of Climate Policy journal (vol 17, #1) ‘Climate Policy After the Paris 2015 Climate Conference’ on 7 November 2016. The article covers the prospects of the Paris Agreement of the Climate Policy that follows from the Post-Paris Conference held in Cambridge… Continue Reading

EPRG Workshop “Implications of Brexit for UK and EU Energy and Climate Policy”, 6 September 2016

EPRG held a workshop on “Implications of Brexit for UK and EU Energy and Climate Policy” on 6 September 2016 at Sidney Sussex College. The Workshop comprised of 3 panel discussions sessions and finished with a dinner which included a keynote speaker, Vicky Ford, MEP and Chair of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection, European… Continue Reading

Public comment outline for FTC investigation by M. Pollitt and W. Strielkowski

Michael Pollitt and Wadim Strielkowski submitted public comment Consumer solar distributed generation (DG): net metering and some competition issues to Federal Trade Commission (USA) under FTC initiative on Competition and Consumer Protection Issues in the Rooftop Solar Business, on 22 August 2016. To read the comment please click here  Continue Reading

Presentation “What are the prospects for electrical energy storage (EES)? Lessons from Europe and California” by M. Pollitt

Michael Pollitt gave a presentation “What are the prospects for electrical energy storage (EES)? Lessons from Europe and California” at the International Conference on the Frontier of Advanced Batteries, CIBF2016 and the 6th China International Energy Storage Conference in Shenzhen, China, on 25 May 2016 | PDF   Continue Reading

Presentation “In Search of ‘Good’ Energy Policy: why multi-disciplinary approaches to Energy and Climate problems are so important” by M. Pollitt

Michael Pollitt gave a presentation “In Search of ‘Good’ Energy Policy: why multi-disciplinary approaches to Energy and Climate problems are so important” at CEEP, Beijing Institute of Technology, China, on 20 May 2016 | PDF Continue Reading

Presentation ” Strategic investment, multimarket interaction and competitive advantage: An application to the natural gas industry” by R. Ritz

Robert Ritz gave a presentation ” Strategic investment, multimarket interaction and competitive advantage: An application to the natural gas industry” during the Seminar in Energy Economics, at Ecole des Mines & Paris Dauphine, France, on 13 April 2016 | PDF Continue Reading

Article “What is needed for battery electric vehicles to become socially cost competitive?” by D. Newbery and G. Strbac

The article “What is needed for battery electric vehicles to become socially cost competitive?” by David Newbery and Goran Strbac was published on ScienceDirect website on 6 April 2016. To read the article in PDF, please click here. To access the online version (available till 26 May 2016), please click here  Continue Reading

Comment on Future of Nuclear Industry, House of Commons Select Committee, by S. Taylor

Simon Taylor, Director of the Master of Finance Programme, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, and EPRG Associate Researcher, was invited to the House of Commons Select Committee on Energy and Climate Change to give evidence on the future of the Nuclear Power and Hinkley Project industry on 23 March, 2016. To listen to the recording, please… Continue Reading

Article “Hinkley Point is a costly mistake, but only France can pull the plug” by S. Taylor

Simon Taylor, Director of the Master of Finance Programme, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, and EPRG Associate Researcher, published an article “Hinkley Point is a costly mistake, but only France can pull the plug” in The Guardian on 14 March 2016. “Vincent de Rivaz, chief executive of EDF Energy, once boasted that British customers would… Continue Reading

Book “The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power in Britain” by S. Taylor

Simon Taylor, Director of the Master of Finance Programme, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, and EPRG Associate Researcher, published his new book “The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power in Britain”. The book is now available here.    The review of the book in the latest Nature Energy by Prof Gordon Mackerron can be read… Continue Reading

Report “Delivering future-proof energy infrastructure” by M. Pollitt

The report “Delivering future-proof energy infrastructure” written by Goran Strobac, Ioannis Konstantelos, Michael Pollitt and Richard Green for the National Infrastructure Commission was mentioned in BBC Business News in the article Smart energy could save £8bn a year, say advisers by Roger Harrabin on 4 March 2016.  To read the article, please click here To read the… Continue Reading