Arjun Mahalingam and David Reiner
Energy Subsidies at Times of Economic Crisis: A Comparative Study and Scenario Analysis of Italy and Spain Continue Reading
Arjun Mahalingam and David Reiner
Energy Subsidies at Times of Economic Crisis: A Comparative Study and Scenario Analysis of Italy and Spain Continue Reading
David Newbery, David Reiner, and Arjun Mahalingham The Cost Effectiveness of Renewable Energy Support Schemes in the European Union Published at the International Association for Energy Economics, Third Quarter, 2014 pg. 21 | Click here for the link Continue Reading
Graduate Student in Finance and Economics, Department of Finance, The London School of Economics and Political Science Email: [email protected] Research Interests: Energy economics and finance, Agent-based modelling, Financial economics, Systemic Risk Background: Upon graduating at TU Delft in Sustainable Energy Technology with highest honours, Arjun joined EPRG to work on energy economics and policy. At… Continue Reading