David Newbery presented “Subsidies in the UK Electricity Sector until 2020“ in Cambridge, 7th February 2014 | PDF
David Newbery presented “Subsidies in the UK Electricity Sector until 2020“ in Cambridge, 7th February 2014 | PDF
David Newbery presented CERRE Regulation Dossier Energy & electricity at a kick-off meeting for EC 2014-18, Brussels, 22 January 2014 | PDF Continue Reading
David Newbery gave a presentation “Progress on Market Reform: EMR, the I-SEM and the TEM” at the Electricity Market Reform, Belfast 28th, March 2014 | PDF Continue Reading
Chi Kong Chyong presented “LNG Pricing Worldwide and Gas Markets” to the Russia LNG Congress, 13-14 March, 2014 | PDF Continue Reading