Karsten Neuhoff, Rick Sellers
Mainstreaming New Renewable Energy Technologies: Enhancing Market Learning
EPRG 0606 Non-Technical Summary | PDF
Abstract: This paper outlines the benefits, obstacles and options for governments to support international markets for technology development. International markets for new energy technologies offer greater scope, thereby increasing the incentives and opportunities for technology improvements. As the market is supported by more independent governments, the confidence of technology developers and producers that future markets for their products will exist is increasing, thus enabling capital access and inducing R&D investment and exploration of improved production processes. The bigger markets also allows for international competition, thus allowing for the application of the best available technology. The government challenge to induce sufficient RD&D remains and with international markets the benefits and costs of national governments freeriding on international effort needs to be considered and addressed with appropriate mechanisms. Finally, we discuss how international co-operation can be used to evolve the energy system in such a way that it can integrate new technologies with their specific characteristics like intermittency, volatility and geographically-varying resource potential at minimum cost.
Keywords: Energy technology, Research and development, Deployment