Short Description: SUPERGEN Futurenet
The Future Network Technologies Consortium (FutureNet), which ran from 2003 to 2007, brought together engineers and social scientists from eight UK Universities. The consortium focused on researching the development of an electrical power network that would support and encourage renewable energy sources without compromising quality of service. The EPRG part of the research was on two work packages
- System Evolution: Policy instruments and incentives to advance and deploy low carbon technologies
- Markets and Service: Market design and investment in generation technologies; implications of high levels of renewable penetration
Following on from the FutureNet Technology Workshop, the book Future Electricity Technologies and Systems (Eds T Jamasb, W Nuttall, M. Pollitt) was published in 2006 by Cambridge University Press. The book is a result of collaboration between the Supergen FutureNet consortium and other Supergen consortia. It provides an overview of renewable and other electricity technologies and analyses a range of possible scenarios for the future of electricity in the UK. A second book combining TSEC and FutureNet research was published by CUP in 2008: Delivering a Low-Carbon Electricity System: Technologies, Economics and Policy (Eds M Grubb, T Jamasb and M Pollitt).
Amount Awarded: £775,456 (EPSRC)
Duration: 2003-2007
EPRG Participants: Karsten Neuhoff, Michael Grubb, Michael Pollitt, William Nuttall, Tooraj Jamasb, Jonathan Köhler