Dr. Xi Liang


Xi Liang

Professor of Sustainable Transitions in Construction and Infrastructure, Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, UCL

Tel: +44 (0) 1316 515 328

Email: [email protected]

Research Interests: Infrastructure finance; real option analysis; stakeholder consultations; commericialing CCS (Carbon Capture and storage) and CO2 capture ready (CCR); financing lower carbon electricity in China; behavioural finance

Background: Xi Liang was research associate at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. His main research area is project risk management and financing carbon capture and storage. He holds PhD degree (in energy policy and finance, cantab), two master degrees (in management research and in process technology), and a bachelor degree (in electrical and electronic engineering).

Dr. Liang has rich experience in investment management and advisory. He previous worked for investment advisory firms in China and has been actively participating in project investment advisory actvities in energy sector. Dr. Liang holds CFA and FRM and he is a regular member at CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) institute, MSI member in SII (Security and Investment Institute) and also a member of GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals).

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