Workshop on international public finance to support south-north cooperation on domestic climate policy

University of Cambridge, 26th and 27th May 2008.


The workshop explored other options to support mitigation policies in developing countries through North-South cooperation arrangements. Particular attention was given to discussions on bilateral/multilateral governance and financing structures, and their ability to support far-reaching domestic policies in the South.

Representatives from India, Ghana, China and Brazil presented papers on country-level developments in different sectors, the implementation barriers faced, and potential opportunities. This was followed by presentations on participatory experiences from Hungary’s EU Enlargement process, GTZ’s bilateral policy-based development, the multilateral framework of the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board, and the emerging EU–China bilateral cooperation. The second day was devoted to an open discussion of new ideas about how to take forward the joint responsibility for climate policy.

‘International Public Finance to Support North-South Cooperation on Domestic Climate Policy’, by Karsten Neuhoff, 27th June 2008:

Day 1: Monday 26th May 2008, University of Cambridge.



  • Bernhard Schlamadinger, Climate Strategies. Welcome and background.
  • Karsten Neuhoff, EPRG, Cambridge.      The structure of the workshop

Session 1: Experience with barriers for implementation and enforcement of effective domestic climate policy

  • Chair: Bernhard Schlamadinger
  • Anoop Singh, IIT Kanpur, India. Perspectives from the Indian Power and Steel Sector.
  • William Gboney, City University, London. Land use in Ghana.
  • Xiliang Zhang, Tsinghua University, Beijing. The Energy Sector in China.
  • HaroldoMachado Filho, Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil. The Transport Sector in Brazil.

Session 2: Experience with international resources to support domestic policy

  • Chair: Michael Grubb
  • Zsuzsanna  Pato, REKK, Budapest. EU Enlargement and Domestic Climate Policy.
  • Lorenz  Petersen, GTZ, Germany.Policy Based Development.
  • Karsten Neuhoff, EPRG, Cambridge.  Summary of Literature on Policy Cooperation.

Session 3: Experience with institutional setting of cooperation

  • Chair:Benito Mueller
  • Hans-Juergen Stehr, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen. Multilateral Experience from the CDM Executive Board.
  • Bernice Lee, Chatham House, London. International Frameworks for Bilateral Cooperation.

Session 4: Frameworks to link policy to money

  • Chair:Felix Matthes
  • Emmanuel Geurin, IDDRI, Paris. AAU Trading and No-Lose Targets.
  • David Robinson, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Oxford. Joint Responsibility and Large Scale Joint Ventures.
  • Thomas Heller, Stanford Law School, Stanford. Comments on International Frameworks.

Day 2: Tuesday 27th May 2008, University of Cambridge.

Session 5: Summary of the previous day

  • Chair: Felix Matthes
  • Summary of perspectives from previous day from: Karsten Neuhoff, Bentio Mueller, Xiliang Zhang, and Anoop Singh.
  • Questions and Discussion.

Session 6: What could a North-South cooperation look like?

  • Chair: Bentio Mueller
  • Experience from previous governance structures discussed.
  • Barriers for cooperation and policy frameworks outlined.

Session 7: Next steps

  • Chair: Karsten Neuhoff
  • Possible collaboration efforts and timeframes considered.
  • Papers and research agenda proposed.
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