Chief Analyst, Center of Expertise in Economic Modelling and Studies, ENGIE, Paris, France
E-mail: [email protected]
Research Interests: Electricity and gas systems and market design; renewable energy; mathematical modelling; equilibrium problems; long term contracts; risk functions.
Biography: Andreas Ehrenmann is Chief Analyst in an internal center for economic expertise modelling and studies at ENGIE. Andreas has more than 10 years of Industry experience in Energy economics. Currently he is responsible for a team called prospective studies and innovation. That develops tools and methods for the economic analysis for gas and electricity, supports to the analysis on investment files and regulatory affairs analysis on market design question like the current discussion on capacity markets or congestion management rules in the context of market coupling.
Andreas Ehrenmann holds a Diploma degree in Wirtschaftsmathematik (Mathematics with Economics) from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology followed by PhD in Management Science, Fitzwilliam College from the Cambridge University, The Judge Institute of Management, (Thesis title: Equilibrium Problems with Equilibrium Constraints and their Application to Electricity Markets). Before joining Electrabel in 2005 he continued his academic work as Post Doctoral Research Assistant at Faculty of Applied Economics at the University of Cambridge and as Electrabel Post Doctoral Research Fellow at CORE, Université Louvain la Neuve, Belgium.
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