Author Archives: EPRG Admin

Article “Competition and Price Controls in the UK Retail Energy Market” by S. Littlechild

Stephen Littlechild published an article “Competition and Price Controls in the UK Retail Energy Market” in the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Network publication on 7 July 2017. This lead article summarises and appraises the last decade of UK retail market regulation. The full text of the article can be read here   Continue Reading

Letter from S. Littlechild to Ofgem on retail energy market , 23 June 2017

Stephen Littlechild and other former UK regulators sent a letter to Dermot Nolan, Ofgem, following a letter from the Secretary of State to Ofgem about the retail energy market, and Ofgem’s statement in response to the letter, on 23 June 2017. The text of the letter can be read here The Secretary of State’s letter and… Continue Reading

Presentation “How ‘Integrated’ is an Integrated Oil and Gas Company (IOC)? Understanding how and why IOCs pursue alternative business models in global natural gas markets” by D. Reiner

David Reiner gave a presentation “How ‘Integrated’ is an Integrated Oil and Gas Company (IOC)?  Understanding how and why IOCs pursue alternative business models in global natural gas markets” at the Annual International IAEE Conference in Singapore on 19 June 2017 | PDF Continue Reading

Presentation “An Assessment of Gazprom’s Proposed Commitments Concerning Central and Eastern European Gas Markets” by C.K. Chyong

Chi Kong Chyong gave a presentation “An Assessment of Gazprom’s Proposed Commitments Concerning Central and Eastern European Gas Markets” during the meeting of International Energy Unit and Strategic and International Analysis, BEIS, in London on 8 June 2017 | PDF   Continue Reading

Melvyn Weeks

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge E-mail: [email protected] Research Interests: Microeconometrics, particularly discrete choice models; modelling demand systems in empirical industrial organisations; revealed and stated preference models; model testing and evaluation; computationallly intensive methods including simulation-based inference and the bootstrap; convergence within and across countries More information Continue Reading

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Victor Ajayi

Research Associate Email: [email protected] Research Interest: efficiency and productivity analysis using stochastic frontier econometrics, energy economics, electricity market reform, banking reform, and economic policy. Biography:  Victor completed his PhD degree in Economics from Loughborough University in 2017. He holds a master’s degree in Energy Economics and Policy from University of Surrey.  He is also a network… Continue Reading

Book Chapter “On the Future of Global LNG Trade and Geopolitics” by C.K. Chyong

C.K. Chyong published a book chapter “On the Future of Global LNG Trade and Geopolitics’ in the book ‘The Future of Natural Gas – Markets and Geopolitics’, editors Silvia Colombo, Mohamed El Harrak and Nicolo Sartory (2016). The chapter focuses on the emergence of LNG as one of the fastest growing international traded commodities and on its potential… Continue Reading

Andres Alonso

Board Member, National Independent Electric System Operator, Chile Supervisors: David Newbery and Michael Pollitt Research Interests: competition and regulation in network industries, particularly electricity; business effects of climate change policies; corporate innovation and impact of technology in society Biography: Andres Alonso Rivas is currently Member of the Board of the National Independent Electric System Operator of… Continue Reading

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Op-ed “Consequences of Gazprom’s commitments on Central and Eastern European gas markets” by C. K. Chyong

Chi Kong Chyong published an article “Consequences of Gazprom’s commitments on Central and Eastern European gas markets” on Euractiv website on 11 May 2017. ‘Brussels must look deeper into whether its current regulatory system can provide energy security and fair competition across European gas markets, writes Chi-Kong Chyong‘ The full text can be found here Continue Reading