International technology and policy cooperation: Workshop February 2009

The workshop links a discussion of results from the 2008 project “International Support for Domestic Climate Policy”  (ISDCP) with presentations and comparisons of recent concepts for technology cooperation. The workshop will result in a report on technology linkages, and refine the research agenda for the 6 month project International Support for Domestic Action (ISDA) for 2009.

A report from the two day workshop is available to download

Monday 9th of February 2009: Queens’ College, Cambridge

Session 1Workshop overview, link to UNFCCC discussion and outline of projects
Chair: Dora Fazekas

•    Haroldo Machado-Filho, Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil. International negotiations – where we are
•    Presentations from Morgan Bazilian and Michael Grubb
•    Karsten Neuhoff, University of Cambridge. International Support for Domestic Climate Policy Overview

Session 2a and 2b: Country policy case studies
Chair: Barbara Buchner

•    William Gboney, Institute of Infrastructural economics and management, Ghana. Ghana case study
•    Xiliang Zhang ,  Tsinghua University, Beijing. China case study
•    Anoop Singh, IIT Kanpur, India. India case study
•    Andrew Marquard, University of Cape Town, South Africa. South Africa case study
•    Haroldo Machado-Filho, Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil. Brazil Case study

Session 3: Methodology for effective policy implementation
Chair: Michael Grubb

•    James Cust, University of Cambridge. Summary of indicator work from ISDCP Project

Tuesday 10th of February 2009: Queens’ College, Cambridge

Session 1a: Technology transfer dimensions
Chair: Anoop Singh

•   Jim Watson, Sussex Energy Group.International Technology & Policy Co-operation
•   Pelin Zorlu, E3G. Innovation and Technology Transfer: Framework for a Global Climate Deal
•   Heleen de Coninck, ECN. Considering technology within the UN climate negotiations
•   Graham Sinden, Carbon Trust. Low-carbon diffusion and innovation and diffusion centres
•   Karsten Neuhoff, University of Cambridge. International cooperation and low-carbon technology

Session 1b:  Technology transfer dimensions

•    Heleen de Coninck, ECN. Inventory of different schemes and approaches

Session 2:  How to feed into international process and international institutional anchoring
Chair: Haraldo Machado-Filho

•    Getting started: Do the approaches we have identified fill demands identified in country policy studies
•    What is required for UNFCCC process? How do we have to structure/time the work to be helpful?
•    What options exist for early experience? What other international cooperation/process should be considered?

Session 3:   Project design – International Support for Domestic Action (ISDA)
Chair: Karsten Neuhoff

•    Discuss structure of policy case studies. Links between case studies / south-south cooperation
•    Design and timing of stakeholder workshops. Outreach events scheduled
•    Format of final report, project management / governance. Time line

Full agenda available here

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