Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Hong Kong
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Supervisor: Michael Pollitt
Research Topic: Air Pollution Policies in UK and China; Air Pollution Monitoring and Citizen Empowerment, Smart Energy Management and Empowerment
Research Interests: Her original research focussed on the design and implementation of environmental technology innovation policies in the public transport sector in HK and California. In the last few years, her research focus has extended to behavioural research, examining the impacts of technology empowerment intervention (smart energy management / citizen-facilitated air pollution monitoring system) on energy/environmental behavioural change.
Jacqueline CK Lam is Research Assistant Professor based in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Hong Kong (HKU). She is the Co-Director of HKU-Cambridge University Clean Energy and Environment Research Platform. In 2013, she obtained the HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall Fellowship and visited the University of Cambridge (Nov – Dec 2013), and was appointed the Visiting Hughes Hall Fellow. Starting from Nov 2015, she was appointed the Visiting Senior Research Fellow by EPRG. She is also an Associate Member of the Energy@Cambridge.
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