Tag Archives: K. Anaya

Karim Anaya

Associate Researcher (UK)

DPhil, MPhil (Cambridge)

Email: [email protected]

Research interest
Economics and regulation of transactive energy, future regulation of electricity distribution and transmission networks, innovation in electricity market design, local flexibility markets, ancillary services markets, sustainable and green energy technologies, benchmarking for utilities price regulation.

Karim holds a PhD degree in Energy Economics and Master’s degree in Technology Policy from University of Cambridge, Cambridge Judge Business School. She is a former Senior Research Associate at the Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG). She has in-depth insight and understanding of public utility regulation across energy, telecom and water sectors; and has collaborated with utilities, electricity system operators, regulators, international agencies and consultancy firms. Her most recent work relates to future energy systems and utility network regulation for net zero, flexible electricity networks, ancillary services regulation and economics with a focus on reactive power, energy storage business models, and efficiency and total factor productivity analysis for electricity and gas. She has published several peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters.

Journal Article “The Role of Regulators in Promoting the Procurement of Flexibility Services within the Electricity Distribution System: A Survey of Seven Leading Countries”, Energies, Vol 14(14), July 2021

Karim Anaya and Michael Pollitt The Role of Regulators in Promoting the Procurement of Flexibility Services within the Electricity Distribution System: A Survey of Seven Leading Countries Energies, volume 14(14), 6 July 2021 Continue Reading

Journal Article “How to Procure Flexibility Services within the Electricity Distribution System: Lessons from an International Review of Innovation Projects”, Energies, Vol 14 (15), July 2021

Karim Anaya and Michael Pollitt How to Procure Flexibility Services within the Electricity Distribution System: Lessons from an International Review of Innovation Projects Energies, volume 14(15), 26 July 2021 Continue Reading

Report “Regulation and policies for local flexibility markets: Current and future developments in seven leading countries” by K. Anaya and M. Pollitt

Karim Anaya and Michael Pollitt wrote a report “Regulation and policies for local flexibility markets: Current and future developments in seven leading countries” for Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), as a result of their participation in Project MERLIN. The report was published on Project  MERLIN website in November 2020. This report investigates stakeholder opinion… Continue Reading

Report “A Review of International Experience in the use of smart electricity platforms for the procurement of flexibility services (Part 2 – Main Findings)” by K. Anaya and M. Pollitt

Karim Anaya and Michael Pollitt wrote a report “A Review of International Experience in the use of smart electricity platforms for the procurement of flexibility services (Part 2 – Main Findings)” for Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), as a result of their participation in Project MERLIN. The report was published on Project MERLIN website… Continue Reading

Report “A review of international experience in the use of smart electricity platforms for the procurement of flexibility services (Part 1)” by K. Anaya and M. Pollitt

Karim Anaya and Michael Pollitt wrote a report “A review of international experience in the use of smart electricity platforms for the procurement of flexibility services (Part 1)” for Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), as a result of their participation in Project MERLIN. The report was published on Project MERLIN website in May 2020.… Continue Reading

Report “Productivity growth in electricity and gas networks since 1990” by V. Ajayi, K. Anaya and M. Pollitt

Victor Ajayi, Karim Anaya and Michael Pollitt wrote a report “Productivity growth in electricity and gas networks since 1990” for the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem), as part of the RIIO-2 consultation. It was published on 17 December 2018. You can read the report here  For the full dataset (ED, ET, GD, GT)… Continue Reading

Report “Reactive Power Management and Procurement Mechanisms: Lessons for the Power Potential Project” by K. Anaya and M. Pollitt

Karim Anaya and Michael Pollitt wrote a report for National Grid Power Potential Project titled “Reactive Power Management and Procurement Mechanisms: Lessons for the Power Potential Project” that was published on National Grid website on 11 June 2018. The Power Potential initiative is a customer funded project that is being implemented by National Grid and… Continue Reading

EPRG Working Paper 1519

M. Pollitt and K. Anaya Can current electricity markets cope with high shares of renewables? A comparison of approaches in Germany, the UK and the State of New York. Abstract | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in The Energy Journal, 2016, under “Can current electricity markets cope with high shares of renewables? A comparison of… Continue Reading

EPRG Working Paper 1422

Anaya, K. and Pollitt, M. The Role of Distribution Network Operators in Promoting Cost-Effective Distributed Generation: Lessons from the United States for Europe  Abstract | NTS | PDF Also published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015 under “The role of distribution network operators in promoting cost-effective distributed generation: Lessons from the United States of America for Europe” |… Continue Reading

EPRG 1320

Karim L. Anaya and Michael G. Pollitt Finding the Optimal Approach for Allocating and Realising Distribution System Capacity: Deciding between Interruptible Connections and Firm DG Connections EPRG1320 Abstract | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in Applied Energy, 2015, under “Options for allocating and releasing distribution system capacity: Deciding between interruptible connections and firm DG connections” |… Continue Reading

EPRG 1309

Karim L. Anaya and Michael Pollitt Understanding best practice regarding interruptible connections for wind generation: lessons from national and international experience EPRG1309 Abstract | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in Energy Policy as “Experience with smarter commercial arrangements for distributed wind generation“, August 2014, volume 71 | Text  Continue Reading