Tag Archives: k.neuhoff

EPRG is pleased to announce our successful 2023 Winter Seminar, “Recalibrating Energy and Climate Policy”. On 7 December 2023, EPRG hosted delegates to a dinner at Christ’s College, and on 8 December 2023, to a full-day seminar at Newnham College. The first day concluded with a keynote speech given by Nick Winser (Electricity Networks Commissioner) “The Future of Electricity Networks”



Nick Winser (Electricity Networks Commissioner) gave a keynote speech “The Future of Electricity Networks”


Chair: Robert Ritz (EPRG)
David Newbery (EPRG) slides
Ellen Quigley (Cambridge University)
Wissam Anastas (GIRA Finance)slides

Chair: David Reiner (EPRG)
George von Waldburg (ICE)slides
Robert Ritz (EPRG)slides

Chair: Dermot Nolan (EPRG)
Donna Leong (DESNZ)slides
Michael Pollitt (EPRG)slides
Rebecca Beresford (EDF Energy)slides

Chair: David Newbery (EPRG)
Ben Hobbs (Johns Hopkins University, California ISO & EPRG)slides
Karsten Neuhoff (DIW Berlin & EPRG)slides

Concluding words – David Newbery (EPRG)

Michael Grubb and Karsten Neuhoff – recipients of Marcel Boiteux International Award

EPRG is delighted to announce that Michael Grubb and Karsten Neuhoff (EPRG Associate Researchers) won 2021 IAEE Marcel Boiteux Best International Energy Economics Book Award for their book Planetary Economics. Energy, Climate Change and the Three Domains of Sustainable Development (with Jean-Charles Hourcade). Congratulations to Michael and Karsten!  Continue Reading

Competitive distortions and leakage in a world of different carbon prices: Trade, competitiveness and employment challenges when meeting the post-2012 climate commitments in the European Union (2008)

A Makipaa, K Neuhoff, R Czarencki, M Mehling, N Meyer-Ohlendorf, S Monjon, P Quiron, U Lenr, C Lutz Competitive distortions and leakage in a world of different carbon prices: Trade, competitiveness and employment challenges when meeting the post-2012 climate commitments in the European Union (2008) Published by: Temporary Committee on Climate Change Report: European Parliament… Continue Reading

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EP 59

Karsten Neuhoff Large Scale Deployment of Renewables for Electricity Generation EP 59  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Comparisons of resource assessments suggest resource constraints are not an obstacle to the large-scale deployment of renewable energy technologies. Economic analysis identifies barriers to the adoption of renewable energy sources resulting from market structure, competition in an… Continue Reading

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EP 48

Karsten Neuhoff, David Newbery Integrating Energy Markets: Does Sequencing Matter? EP 48 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper addresses three questions that are relevant to integrating different regional transmission areas. Market integrating normally increases the number of competitors and should therefore reduce prices but the first section shows that prices could rise when… Continue Reading

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EP 42

Karsten Neuhoff, Laurens De Vries Insufficient Incentives for Investment in Electricity Generation EP 42  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: In theory, competitive electricity markets can provide incentives for efficient investment in generating capacity. We show that if consumers and investors are risk averse, investment is efficient only if investors in generating capacity can sign… Continue Reading

EP 40

Luis Olmos, Karsten Neuhoff Definition of a Balancing Point for Electricity Transmission Contracts EP 40  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Electricity transmission contracts allocate scarce resources, allow hedging against locational price differences and provide information to guide investment. Liquidity is increased if all transmission contracts are defined relative to one balancing point, then a… Continue Reading

EP 36

Roland Ismer, Karsten Neuhoff Border Tax Adjustments: A Feasible way to Support Stringent Emission Trading EP 36  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: CO2 emission certificates internalise effects of fossil fuel consumption on global climate and sea levels. If they are only implemented in some countries, then their effectiveness is limited; Consumption, production and investment… Continue Reading

EPRG 0514

Felix Müsgens, Karsten Neuhoff Modelling Dynamic Constraints in Electricity Markets and the Costs of Uncertain Wind Output EPRG 0514  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Building on models that represent inter-temporal constraints in the optimal production decisions for electricity generation, the paper analysis the resulting costs and their impact on prices during the day. We… Continue Reading

EPRG 0508

Karsten Neuhoff, Michael Grubb, Kim Keats Impact of the Allowance Allocation on Prices and Efficiency EPRG 0508  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Successful cap and trade programs for SO2 and NOx in the US allocate allowances to large emitters based on a historic base line for a period of up to thirty years. National… Continue Reading

EPRG 0507

Tooraj Jamasb, Karsten Neuhoff, David Newbery, Michael Pollitt Long-term Framework for Electricity Distribution Access Charges EPRG 0507  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: In order to achieve overall economic efficiency, incentive regulation of electricity distribution utilities must address two important and inter-related issues. First, the utilities’ allowed revenues need to be set at correct levels.… Continue Reading

EPRG 0505

Karsten Neuhoff, Christian Von Hirschhausen Long-term vs Short-term Contracts: A European Perspective on Natural Gas EPRG 0505  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper analyses the economics of long-term gas contracts under changing institutional conditions, mainly gas sector liberalisation. The paper is motivated by the increasingly tense debate in continental Europe, UK and the… Continue Reading

EPRG 0632

Karsten Neuhoff, Markus Åhman, Regina Betz, Johanna Cludius, Federico Ferrario, Kristina Holmgren, Gabriella Pal, Michael Grubb, Felix Matthes, Karoline Rogge, Joachim Schleich, Jos Sijm, Andreas Tuerk, Claudia Kettner, Neil Walker Implications of announced Phase 2 National Allocation Plans for the EU ETS EPRG 0632 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Neuhoff, K., Åhman, M.,… Continue Reading

EPRG 0631

Karsten Neuhoff, Federico Ferrario, Michael Grubb, Etienne Gabel, Kim Keats Emission projections 2008-2012 versus NAPs II EPRG 0631 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Neuhoff, K  (2006), “Emission projections 2008-2012 versus NAPs II”, Climate Policy, Volume: 6, Issue: 4, Pages: 395-410 Abstract: We compare the national allocation plans, proposed and submitted by EU member… Continue Reading

EPRG 0630

Maria Heinrich, Karsten Neuhoff Choosing to save EPRG 0630 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Various barriers for the uptake of energy-efficiency measures in the domestic sector have been identified. Projects try to quantify the effect of individual barriers like transaction costs, information lack, access to technologies or convenience. We propose to use the ‘consumer choice… Continue Reading

EPRG 0627

Karsten Neuhoff — Where can international cooperation support domestic climate policy? EPRG 0627 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: A move to a low Carbon economy involves (1) internalisation of CO2 externalities, (2) advancement of technologies and (3) removal of barriers and evolution of institutions. National governments that want to realise these goals can choose from… Continue Reading

EPRG 0625

Roland Ismer, Karsten Neuhoff Commitments through Financial Options: A Way to Facilitate Compliance with Climate Change Obligations EPRG 0625 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Grubb, M. and Neuhoff, K. (2006), “Allocation and Competitiveness in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Policy Overview”, Climate Policy 6(1) Abstract: Governments willing to commit themselves to maintain carbon prices at… Continue Reading

EPRG 0622

Michael Grubb, Karsten Neuhoff Allocation and Competitiveness in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Policy Overview EPRG 0622 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Grubb, Michael & Neuhoff, Karsten (2006). “Allocation and Competitiveness in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Policy Overview”,  Climate Policy, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2006. pages 7-30 Abstract: The European emissions trading… Continue Reading

EPRG 0621

Cameron Hepburn, Michael Grubb, Karsten Neuhoff, Felix Matthes, Maximilien Tse Auctioning of EU ETS Phase II allowances: how and why? EPRG 0621 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Hepburn, C., Grubb, M., Neuhoff, K., Matthes, F. and Tse, M. (2006), “Auctioning of EU ETS Phase II Allowances: How and Why?”, Climate Policy 6(1) Abstract: The European Directive… Continue Reading

EPRG 0618

Karsten Neuhoff, Kim Keats, Misato Sato Allocation, Incentives and Distortions: The Impact of EU ETS Emissions Allowance Allocations to the Electricity Sector EPRG 0618 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Neuhoff, K. “Allocation, Incentives and Distortions: The Impact of EU ETS Emissions Allowance Allocations to the Electricity Sector”, Climate Policy Vol 6 Issue 1… Continue Reading

EPRG 0617

Jos Sijm, Karsten Neuhoff, Yihsu Chen CO2 Cost Pass Through and Windfall Profits in the Power Sector EPRG 0617 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Sijm, J., Neuhoff, K. and Chen, Y. (2006) “CO2 Cost Pass Through and Windfall Profits in the Power Sector”, Climate Policy 6(1) Abstract: In order to cover their CO2… Continue Reading

EPRG 0606

Karsten Neuhoff, Rick Sellers Mainstreaming New Renewable Energy Technologies: Enhancing Market Learning EPRG 0606 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper outlines the benefits, obstacles and options for governments to support international markets for technology development. International markets for new energy technologies offer greater scope, thereby increasing the incentives and opportunities for technology improvements. As… Continue Reading

EPRG 0603

Karsten Neuhoff, Andreas Ehrenmann, Lucy Butler, Jim Cust, Harriet Hoexter, Kim Keats, Adam Kreczko, Graham Sinden Space and Time: Wind in an Investment Planning Model EPRG 0603 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Investment planning models inform investment decisions and government policies. Current models do not capture the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources, restricting the… Continue Reading

EPRG 0601

Louis Coulomb, Karsten Neuhoff Learning Curves and Changing Product Attributes: the Case of Wind Turbines EPRG 0601 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The heuristic concept of learning curves describes cost reductions as a function of cumulative production. A study of the Liberty shipbuilders suggested that product quality and production scale are other relevant factors that… Continue Reading

EPRG 0730

James Cust, Anoop Singh, Karsten Neuhoff Rural Electrification in India: Economic and Institutional aspects of Renewables EPRG 0730 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Singh, A, Neuhoff, K, & Cust, J. (2007). Rural electrification in india : Economic and institutional aspects of renewables. World, (December) Abstract: The paper assesses the demand for rural electricity… Continue Reading

EPRG 0707

Angus Johnston, Amalia Kavali, Karsten Neuhoff Take-or-pay contracts for Renewables Deployment EPRG 0707 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Johnston, A., Kavalia, A. and Neuhoff, K. (2008), “Take or Pay Contracts for Renewables Deployment”, Energy Policy 36(7) Abstract: Renewables require support policies to deliver the European 20% target. We discuss the requirements for least… Continue Reading

EPRG 0702

Karsten Neuhoff, Jim Cust, Kim Keats Implications of intermittency and transmission constraints for renewables deployment EPRG 0702 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: We represent hourly, regional wind data and transmission constraints in an investment planning model calibrated to the UK and test sensitivities of least cost expansions to fuel and technology prices. Thus we can… Continue Reading

EPRG 0828

Xi Liang, David Reiner and Karsten Neuhoff Current Legal and Institutional Frameworks for Investing in Lower Carbon Electricity in China EPRG 0828 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The economic and policy framework for investment decisions in the power generation sector in China are investigated. Our analysis combines a review of the existing legal framework with… Continue Reading

EPRG 0825

Maike Sippel, Karsten Neuhoff Lessons from conditionality provision for south-north cooperation on climate change EPRG 0825 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Sippel, M. and Neuhoff, K. (2009), “A History of Conditionality: Lessons for International Cooperation on Climate Policy”, Climate Policy 9(5) Abstract: This article examines what may be taken into account, when designing… Continue Reading

EPRG 0501

Paul Twomey, Karsten Neuhoff Market Power and Technological Bias: The Case of Electricity Generation EPRG 0501 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: It is difficult to eliminate all market power in electricity markets and it is therefore frequently suggested that some market power should be tolerated: extra revenues contribute to fixed cost recovery, facilitate investment… Continue Reading

EP 71

Paul Twomey, Richard Green, Karsten Neuhoff, David Newbery A Review of the Monitoring of Market Power: The Possible Roles of TSOs in Monitoring for Market Power Issues in Congested Transmission Systems EP 71  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF   Abstract: The paper surveys the literature and publicly available information on market power monitoring in electricity… Continue Reading

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EP 70

Lucy Butler, Karsten Neuhoff Comparison of Feed in Tariff, Quota and Auction Mechanisms to Support Wind Power Development EP 70  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: A comparison of policy instruments employed to support onshore wind projects suggests that in terms of capacity installed, policies adopted in Germany have been more effective than those adopted… Continue Reading

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