Tag Archives: M. Pollitt

EPRG 0928

Aoife Brophy Haney, Ian W.Jones and Michael G. Pollitt UK retailers and climate change: The role of partnership in climate strategies EPRG 0928 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: More and more companies in the UK are developing strategies to address the challenges of climate change. We focus on the UK retail sector and explore the… Continue Reading

EPRG 0925

Scott Kelly and Michael Pollitt Making Combined Heat and Power District Heating (CHP-DH) Networks in the United Kingdom Economically Viable: A Comparative Approach EPRG 0925 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: As global fuel reserves are depleted, alternative and more efficient forms of energy generation and delivery will be required. Combined Heat and Power with District… Continue Reading

EPRG 0915

Aoife Brophy Haney and Michael Pollitt Efficiency Analysis of Energy Networks: An International Survey of Regulators EPRG 0915 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Haney, A. B. and Pollitt, M. (2009), Efficiency Analysis of Energy Networks: An International Survey of Regulators, Energy Policy 37(12) Abstract:  Incentive regulation for networks has been an important part… Continue Reading

EPRG 0914

Michael Pollitt Does Electricity (and Heat) Network Regulation have anything to learn from Fixed Line Telecoms Regulation? EPRG 0914 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Pollitt, M. (2010), “Does Electricity (and Heat) Network Regulation have anything to learn from Fixed Line Telecoms Regulation?”, Energy Policy 38(3) Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to… Continue Reading

EPRG 0910

Michael G. Pollitt and Jon Stern Human Resource Constraints for Electricity Regulation in Developing Countries:  Has Anything Changed? EPRG0910 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: We provide strong evidence that there are significant human resource constraints which limit the scale and, hence, the scope and potential effectiveness of electricity/energy regulatory agencies in developing countries. We summarise the… Continue Reading

EPRG 0905

Christian Wolf and Michael G. Pollitt The Welfare Implications of Oil Privatisation: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Norway’s Statoil EPRG 0905 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The oil industry is of great economic significance to many countries, and privatisations of National Oil Companies (NOCs) have often been controversial, as have been the benefits from privatisation more… Continue Reading

EPRG 0903

Aoife Brophy Haney, Tooraj Jamasb and Michael G. Pollitt Smart Metering and Electricity Demand: Technology, Economics and International Experience EPRG 0903 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Brophy Haney, A, Jamasb, T & Pollitt, M, “Smart Metering and Electricity Demand: Technology, Economics and International Experience”, TU Berlin Abstract: In recent years smart metering of electricity… Continue Reading

EPRG 1034

Aoife Brophy Haney, Tooraj Jamasb, Laura M. Platchkov, Michael G. Pollitt Demand-side Management Strategies and the Residential Sector: Lessons from International Experience EPRG 1034 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper explores demand side management (DSM) strategies, including both demand response and energy efficiency policies. The aim is to uncover what features might strengthen… Continue Reading

EPRG 1030

Aoife Brophy Haney and Michael G. Pollitt New Models of Public Ownership in Energy EPRG 1030 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper discusses some of the new and continuing ways in which the public sector is involved in the electricity / energy sector around the world. This involvement continues to be significant in… Continue Reading

EPRG 1027

Tooraj Jamasb, Luis Orea and Michael G. Pollitt Estimating Marginal Cost of Quality Improvements: The Case of the UK Electricity Distribution Companies EPRG 1027 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to develop an econometric approach to estimation of marginal costs of improving quality of service. We implement this… Continue Reading

EPRG 1020

Tooraj Jamasb, Luis Orea, Michael G. Pollitt Weather Factors and Performance of Network Utilities: A Methodology and Application to Electricity Distribution EPRG 1020 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Incentive regulation and efficiency analysis of network utilities often need to take the effect of important external factors, such as the weather conditions, into account. This… Continue Reading

EPRG 1012

Aoife Brophy Haney and Michael G.Pollitt Exploring the Determinants of “best practice” in Network Regulation: The Case of the Electricity Industry EPRG 1012 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Brophy Haney, A & Pollitt, M (2011) “Exploring the Determinants of “best practice” in Network Regulation: The Case of the Electricity Industry”, Energy Policy… Continue Reading

EPRG 1002

Michael G. Pollitt UK Renewable Energy Policy Since Privatisation EPRG 1002  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Pollitt, M. “UK Renewable Energy Policy Since Privatisation”, chapter in “Harnessing Renewable Energy in Electric Power Systems: Theory, Practice, Policy” Moselle, Boaz, Padilla, Jorge and Schmalensee, Richard pages 253-283 Abstract: The aim of this paper is… Continue Reading

EPRG 1125

Michael G. Pollitt Lessons from the History of Independent System Operators in the Energy Sector, with applications to the Water Sector EPRG 1125 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper examines the lessons from independent transmission system operators in energy in the context of the potential introduction of an independent system operator in the… Continue Reading

EPRG 1124

Michael G. Pollitt and Stephen J. Steer Economies of Scale and Scope in Network Industries: Lessons for the UK water and sewerage sectors EPRG 1124  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Many studies of the water and sewerage industries place significant importance on the benefits of economies of scale and scope and how these relate… Continue Reading

EPRG 1122

Laura Platchkov, Michael G. Pollitt, David Reiner, Irina Shaorshadze  2010 EPRG Public Opinion Survey: Policy Preferences and Energy Saving Measures EPRG 1122  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper presents results of the 2010 Electricity Policy Research Group (EPRG) public opinion survey. The survey examines the energy policy preferences and attitudes of the British… Continue Reading

EPRG 1116

Laura M. Platchkov and Michael G. Pollitt The Economics of Energy (and Electricity) Demand EPRG 1116  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Economic drivers, technologies and demand side management are keys in understanding the long-term trends of both energy and more specifically electricity consumption. This paper discusses some of the important economics foundations of energy… Continue Reading

EPRG 1103

Scott Kelly and Michael Pollitt The Local Dimension of Energy EPRG 1103 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: In this paper, we postulate that some of the best opportunities for reducing energy demand and carbon emissions are through stronger involvement and leadership from local government. We show that local government can and do have a significant… Continue Reading

EPRG 1320

Karim L. Anaya and Michael G. Pollitt Finding the Optimal Approach for Allocating and Realising Distribution System Capacity: Deciding between Interruptible Connections and Firm DG Connections EPRG1320 Abstract | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in Applied Energy, 2015, under “Options for allocating and releasing distribution system capacity: Deciding between interruptible connections and firm DG connections” |… Continue Reading

EPRG 1309

Karim L. Anaya and Michael Pollitt Understanding best practice regarding interruptible connections for wind generation: lessons from national and international experience EPRG1309 Abstract | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in Energy Policy as “Experience with smarter commercial arrangements for distributed wind generation“, August 2014, volume 71 | Text  Continue Reading

Michael Pollitt

Assistant Director, EPRG and Professor of Business Economics, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge D.Phil. (Oxon) M.Phil.(Oxon) M.A. (Cantab) Tel: +44 (0)1223 339615 Email: [email protected] Research Projects: Flexible Plug and Play Project (FPP), Autonomic Power Systems (APS) Research Interests: Regulation, privatisation and liberalization in the network industries; cross national efficiency comparisons in the electricity industry; business ethics,… Continue Reading