Joachim Geske, Richard Green and Iain Staffell
Elecxit: The Cost of Bilaterally Uncoupling British-EU Electricity Trade
Joachim Geske, Richard Green and Iain Staffell
Elecxit: The Cost of Bilaterally Uncoupling British-EU Electricity Trade
DG COMP reviews the State Aid application by Hinkley Point C here and Associate Research Richard Green provides the analytic underpinning here Continue Reading
Richard Green, Arturo Lorenzoni, Yannick Perez, Michael Pollitt Policy assessment and good practices Presented at the Conference – Implementing the Internal Market of Electricity: Proposals and Time Tables, Brussels Presented 9 September 2005 | Available at Continue Reading
Julian Barquin, Lars Bergman, Claude Crampes, Jean-Michel Glachant, Richard Green, Christian Von Hirschhausen, Francois Leveque, Steven Stoft Brief academic opinion of economic professors and scholars on the project of acquisition of Endesa by Gas Natural 28 October 2005 | PDF Continue Reading
Richard Green Electricity Transmission Pricing: How much does it cost to get it wrong? EP 63 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Economists know how to calculate optimal prices for electricity transmission. These are rarely applied in practice. This paper develops a thirteen-node model of the transmission system in England and Wales, incorporating losses and… Continue Reading
Richard Green Did English Generators Play Cournot? Capacity withholding in the Electricity Pool EP 41 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Electricity generators can raise the price of power by withholding their plant from the market. We discuss two ways in which this could have affected prices in the England and Wales Pool. Withholding low-cost… Continue Reading
Richard Green Retail Competition and Electricity Contracts EP 33 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Long-term contracts for electricity can counter market power and reduce prices in short-term markets. If electricity retailers face competition, however, companies signing long-term contracts are exposed to the risk that a fall in short-term prices would allow rivals to buy… Continue Reading
Richard Green, Arturo Lorenzoni, Yannick Perez, Michael Pollitt Benchmarking Electricity Liberalisation in Europe EPRG 0609 Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: In this paper, we discuss the choice and use of benchmarks in each of five areas relevant to an assessment of the progress of EU electricity sector liberalisation. These areas are market design, market power,… Continue Reading
Paul Twomey, Richard Green, Karsten Neuhoff, David Newbery A Review of the Monitoring of Market Power: The Possible Roles of TSOs in Monitoring for Market Power Issues in Congested Transmission Systems EP 71 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The paper surveys the literature and publicly available information on market power monitoring in electricity… Continue Reading
Richard Green gave a presentation “How much does it cost to get it wrong?” during EPRG Spring Research Seminar, held in Cambridge on 6 May 2005 Continue Reading
Joanne Evans, Richard Green Why Did British Electricity Prices Fall after 1998? EP 26 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: In an attempt to reduce high electricity prices in England and Wales the government has reduced concentration among generators and introduced New Electricity Trading Arrangements (NETA). Econometric analysis on monthly data from April 1996 to… Continue Reading