Tag Archives: T. Jamasb

EPRG Working Paper 1801

Mahmud I. Imam, Tooraj Jamasb, and Manuel Llorca Sector Reforms and Institutional Corruption: Evidence from Electricity Industry in Sub-Saharan Africa Previously published in January 2018 under the title Power Sector Reform and Corruption: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Updated in May 2018 under a new title. Abstract | Non-Technical Summary | PDF   Continue Reading

Book “The Future of Electricity Demand: Customers, Citizens and Loads” by M. Pollitt and T. Jamasb

What will electricity and heat demand look like in a low-carbon world? Ambitious environmental targets will modify the shape of the electricity sector in the twenty-first century. ‘Smart’ technologies and demand-side management will be some of the key features of the future of electricity systems in a low-carbon world. Meanwhile, the social and behavioural dimensions… Continue Reading

Book “Delivering a Low-Carbon Electricity System: Technologies, Economics and Policy” M. Grubb, T. Jamasb, M. Pollitt

Meeting targets aimed at tackling the climate change challenge requires moving towards a low-carbon economy. These targets can only be met with major reductions in carbon emissions from the electricity sector. Written by a team of leading academics and industry experts, Delivering a Low Carbon Electricity System analyses the social, technological, economic and political issues… Continue Reading

Book “Future Electricity Technologies and Systems”, by T. Jamasb, W. Nuttall, M. Pollitt

Where will our electricity come from in the future, and how will we use it? The UK is aiming for a 60% reduction of 1990 carbon dioxide emission levels by 2050, yet the electricity industry and patterns of electricity use must change radically if this is to be achieved. This authoritative overview analyses a range of… Continue Reading

Reference models and incentive regulation of electricity distribution networks: An evaluation of Sweden’s Network Performance Assessment Model (NPAM)

Tooraj Jamasb, Michael Pollitt Reference models and incentive regulation of electricity distribution networks: An evaluation of Sweden’s Network Performance Assessment Model (NPAM) Energy Policy 36 (5) 2008, 1788-1801. Available at ScienceDirect Continue Reading

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A Framework for Electricity: Is there more to life than trading? Seven view on designing a low carbon future

Tooraj Jamasb, (Paul Johnson, Tom Burke, Paul Ekins, Kate Hampton, Coralie Laurencin, Terry Barker, Athanasios Dagoumas, Richard Lambert) A Framework for Electricity Is there more to life than trading? Seven view on designing a low carbon future Green Alliance Policy Pamphlet Published July 2008 | Available at GreenAlliance.org.uk Continue Reading

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