Author Archives: EPRG Admin

EP 44

Paul Joskow, Jean Tirole Retail Electricity Competition EP 44 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: We explore the implications of load profiling of consumers whose traditional meters do not allow for measurement of their real time consumption. We find the competitive equilibrium does not support the Ramsey two-part tariff. By contrast, when consumers are billed… Continue Reading

EP 43

A Denny Ellerman, Florence Dubroeucq Sources of Emission Reductions: Evidence for US SO2 Emissions 1985-2002 EP 43 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: An enduring issue in environmental regulation is whether to clean up existing “old” plants or in some manner to bring in new “clean” plants to replace the old. In this paper, a… Continue Reading

EP 42

Karsten Neuhoff, Laurens De Vries Insufficient Incentives for Investment in Electricity Generation EP 42  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: In theory, competitive electricity markets can provide incentives for efficient investment in generating capacity. We show that if consumers and investors are risk averse, investment is efficient only if investors in generating capacity can sign… Continue Reading

EP 41

Richard Green Did English Generators Play Cournot? Capacity withholding in the Electricity Pool EP 41 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Electricity generators can raise the price of power by withholding their plant from the market. We discuss two ways in which this could have affected prices in the England and Wales Pool. Withholding low-cost… Continue Reading

EP 40

Luis Olmos, Karsten Neuhoff Definition of a Balancing Point for Electricity Transmission Contracts EP 40  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Electricity transmission contracts allocate scarce resources, allow hedging against locational price differences and provide information to guide investment. Liquidity is increased if all transmission contracts are defined relative to one balancing point, then a… Continue Reading


Raffaella Mota Comparing Brazil and USA Electricity Performance: What was the Impact of Privatisation? EP 39 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Beginning in 1995 a large proportion of the Brazilian electricity distribution sector went through privatisation and restructuring, whereas privately-owned U.S. utilities did not suffer similar ownership change process. This paper is an empirical… Continue Reading

EP 38

Gert Brunekreeft Regulatory Issues in Merchant Transmission Investment EP 38  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Driven by fear of underinvestment in network assets, merchant investment in electricity transmission networks (MTI) is now legally allowed. Given that MTI is a real possibility, regulators face a new set of questions. After classifying different types of MTI,… Continue Reading

EP 37

Stephen Littlechild Regulated and Merchant Interconnectors in Australia: SNI and Murraylink Revisited EP 37  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper examines the history of the various actual and proposed interconnectors between New South Wales and Victoria into South Australia. It covers the period from the earliest proposal for a regulated interconnector to the… Continue Reading

EP 36

Roland Ismer, Karsten Neuhoff Border Tax Adjustments: A Feasible way to Support Stringent Emission Trading EP 36  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: CO2 emission certificates internalise effects of fossil fuel consumption on global climate and sea levels. If they are only implemented in some countries, then their effectiveness is limited; Consumption, production and investment… Continue Reading

EP 35

D Giannakis, Tooraj Jamasb, Michael Pollitt Benchmarking and Incentive Regulation of Quality of Service: an Application to the UK Electricity Distribution Utilities EP 35  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Quality of service has emerged as an important issue in post-reform regulation of electricity distribution networks. Regulators have employed partial incentive schemes to promote cost… Continue Reading

EP 34

Janus Bialek Recent Blackouts in US and Continental Europe: Is Liberalisation to Blame? EP 34  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The paper starts with a detailed technical overview of recent blackouts in the US, Sweden/Denmark and Italy in order to analyse common threads and lessons to be learnt. The blackouts have exposed a number… Continue Reading

EP 33

Richard Green Retail Competition and Electricity Contracts EP 33  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Long-term contracts for electricity can counter market power and reduce prices in short-term markets. If electricity retailers face competition, however, companies signing long-term contracts are exposed to the risk that a fall in short-term prices would allow rivals to buy… Continue Reading

EPRG 0517

Hongliang Yang Overview of the Chinese Electricity Industry and Its Current Issues EPRG 0517  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: In China, many ongoing problems in the electricity sector can be traced back to the old ‘centrally planned’ economy. Since the start of liberalization in the 1980s, the clash between a liberalized economy (excluding a… Continue Reading

EPRG 0516

Stephen Littlechild Beyond Regulation EPRG 0516 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The ‘standard model’ of electricity reform has been refined in many countries but not extended to others. Government is supplanting the role of regulation. Revised calculations suggest that the benefits of UK electricity privatisation were higher than previously estimated and more widely shared… Continue Reading

EPRG 0514

Felix Müsgens, Karsten Neuhoff Modelling Dynamic Constraints in Electricity Markets and the Costs of Uncertain Wind Output EPRG 0514  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Building on models that represent inter-temporal constraints in the optimal production decisions for electricity generation, the paper analysis the resulting costs and their impact on prices during the day. We… Continue Reading

EPRG 0513

Ian Elders, Graham Ault, Stuart Galloway, James McDonald, Jonathan Koehler, Matthew Leach, Efterpi Lampaditou Electricity Network Scenarios for Great Britain in 2050 EPRG 0513 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The next fifty years are likely to see great developments in the technologies deployed in electricity systems, with consequent changes in the structure and operation… Continue Reading

EPRG 0512

Tooraj Jamasb, William Nuttall, Michael Pollitt New Electricity Technologies for a Sustainable Future EPRG 0512  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: There is a growing concern over our reliance on conventional electricity sources and their long-term environmental, climate change, and security of supply implications, and much hope is vested in the ability of future technological… Continue Reading

EPRG 0511

Paul Joskow Incentive Regulation in Theory and Practice: Electricity Distribution and Transmission Networks EPRG 0511 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Modern theoretical principles to govern the design of incentive regulation mechanisms are reviewed and discussed. General issues associated with applying these principles in practice are identified. Examples of the actual application of incentive r… Continue Reading

EPRG 0510

David Newbery Climate Change Policy and its Effect on Market Power in the Gas Market EPRG 0510  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The European Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) limits CO2 emissions from covered sectors, especially electricity until December 2007, after which a new set of Allowances will be issued. The paper demonstrates that the… Continue Reading

EPRG 0509

Fabien Roques, William Nuttall, David Newbery, Richard De Neufville Nuclear Power: A Hedge against Uncertain Gas and Carbon Prices? EPRG 0509  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: High fossil fuel prices have rekindled interest in nuclear power. This paper identifies specific nuclear characteristics making it unattractive to merchant generators in liberalised electricity markets, and argues… Continue Reading

EPRG 0508

Karsten Neuhoff, Michael Grubb, Kim Keats Impact of the Allowance Allocation on Prices and Efficiency EPRG 0508  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Successful cap and trade programs for SO2 and NOx in the US allocate allowances to large emitters based on a historic base line for a period of up to thirty years. National… Continue Reading

EPRG 0507

Tooraj Jamasb, Karsten Neuhoff, David Newbery, Michael Pollitt Long-term Framework for Electricity Distribution Access Charges EPRG 0507  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: In order to achieve overall economic efficiency, incentive regulation of electricity distribution utilities must address two important and inter-related issues. First, the utilities’ allowed revenues need to be set at correct levels.… Continue Reading

EPRG 0506

Stephen Littlechild Competition and Contracts in the Nordic Residential Electricity Markets EPRG 0506 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The main Nordic residential electricity markets (Norway, Sweden and Finland) effectively opened to retail competition around 1998. They have not been subject to regulatory controls on prices or other contract terms. Between 11 and 29 per… Continue Reading

EPRG 0505

Karsten Neuhoff, Christian Von Hirschhausen Long-term vs Short-term Contracts: A European Perspective on Natural Gas EPRG 0505  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper analyses the economics of long-term gas contracts under changing institutional conditions, mainly gas sector liberalisation. The paper is motivated by the increasingly tense debate in continental Europe, UK and the… Continue Reading

EPRG 0503

Gert Brunekreeft, David Newbery Should Merchant Transmission Investment be Subject to a Must-offer Provision? EPRG 0503  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Merchant electricity transmission investment is a practically relevant example of an unregulated investment with monopoly properties. However, while leaving the investment decision to the market, the regulator may decide to prohibit capacity withholding… Continue Reading

Arjun Mahalingam

Graduate Student in Finance and Economics, Department of Finance, The London School of Economics and Political Science Email: [email protected] Research Interests: Energy economics and finance, Agent-based modelling, Financial economics, Systemic Risk Background: Upon graduating at TU Delft in Sustainable Energy Technology with highest honours, Arjun joined EPRG to work on energy economics and policy. At… Continue Reading

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EPRG 0502

Tooraj Jamasb, Michael Pollitt Deregulation and R&D in Network Industries: The Case of the Electricity Industry EPRG 0502  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Electricity reform has coincided with a significant decline in energy R&D activities. Technical progress is crucial for tackling many energy and environmental issues as well as for long-term efficiency improvement. This… Continue Reading

EPRG 0501

Paul Twomey, Karsten Neuhoff Market Power and Technological Bias: The Case of Electricity Generation EPRG 0501 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: It is difficult to eliminate all market power in electricity markets and it is therefore frequently suggested that some market power should be tolerated: extra revenues contribute to fixed cost recovery, facilitate investment… Continue Reading

EP 78

Paul Joskow Patterns of Transmission Investment EP 78  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper examines a number of issues associated with alternative analytical approaches for evaluating investments in electricity transmission infrastructure, and institutional arrangements to govern network operation, maintenance and investment. The relationships between transmission investments driven by opportunities to reduce congestion and… Continue Reading

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EP 77

Eric van Damme Liberalising the Dutch Electricity Market: 1998-2004 EP 77  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Continue Reading

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EP 76

Nils-Henrik von der Fehr, Eirik Amundsen, Lars Bergman The Nordic Market: Signs of Stress? EP 76  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The supply shock that hit the Nordic electricity market in 2002-2003 put the market to a severe test. A sharp reduction in inflow to hydro reservoirs during the normally wet months of late… Continue Reading

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EP 75

Jean-Michel Glachant, Dominique Finon A Competitive Fringe in the Shadow of a State Owned Incumbent: The Case of France EP 75  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: We examine what kind of competitive fringe has been built in France around the State owned incumbent without destroying it or significantly weakening its dominant position; what impacts… Continue Reading

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EP 74

Michael Grubb, Lucy Butler, Graham Sinden Diversity and Security in UK Electricity Generation: The Influence of Low Carbon Objectives EP 74  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Continue Reading

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EP 73

Benjamin Hobbs, Fieke Rijkers The More Cooperation, the More Competition? A Cournot Analysis of the Benefits of Electric Market Coupling EP 73  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Market coupling in Belgian and Dutch markets would permit more efficient use of intercountry transmission, 1) by counting only net flows against transmission limits, 2) by improving… Continue Reading

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EP 72

David Newbery Why tax energy? Towards a more rational policy EP 72  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The same fuels are taxed at widely different rates in different countries while different fuels are taxed at widely different rates within and across countries. Coal, oil and gas are all used to generate electricity, but are… Continue Reading

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EP 71

Paul Twomey, Richard Green, Karsten Neuhoff, David Newbery A Review of the Monitoring of Market Power: The Possible Roles of TSOs in Monitoring for Market Power Issues in Congested Transmission Systems EP 71  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF   Abstract: The paper surveys the literature and publicly available information on market power monitoring in electricity… Continue Reading

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EP 70

Lucy Butler, Karsten Neuhoff Comparison of Feed in Tariff, Quota and Auction Mechanisms to Support Wind Power Development EP 70  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: A comparison of policy instruments employed to support onshore wind projects suggests that in terms of capacity installed, policies adopted in Germany have been more effective than those adopted… Continue Reading

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EP 69

Claude Crampes, Natalia Fabra The Spanish Electricity Industry: Plus ça change… EP 69  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: In this paper we describe the Spanish electricity industry and its current regulatory regime. Special emphasis is given to the description and discussion of market design issues (including stranded cost recovery), the evolution of market structure,… Continue Reading

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EP 68

Gert Brunekreeft, Sven Twelemann Regulation, Competition and Investment in the German Electricity Market: RegTP or REGTP EP 68  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The German energy industries will be subjected to regulation of network access enforced by a sector-specific regulator. Whereas the gas industry broke the regime of negotiated third party access, in electricity… Continue Reading

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Michael Pollitt Does environment matter for distribution system performance? EPRG Winter Research Seminar, Cambridge Presented 9 December 2005 | Download PDF Continue Reading

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