Author Archives: EPRG Admin

EP 11

Preetum Domah, Michael G Pollitt, Jon Stern Modelling the costs of electricity regulation: Evidence of human resource constraints in developing countries EP 11  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Successful electricity industry reform depends on the presence of an appropriately staffed regulatory agency for the liberalised sector. However developing countries can have resource constraints that… Continue Reading

EP 10

Gert Brunekreeft Regulatory Threat in Vertically Related Markets: The Case of German Electricity EP 10  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper applies the concept of regulatory threat to analyse the electricity supply industry in Germany, where in contrast to other European member states, there is no ex-ante regulation of network access charges. Instead,… Continue Reading

EP 09

Stephen Littlechild Competition in Retail Electricity Supply EP 09  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper presents an analysis and defence of competition in retail electricity supply. It includes some account of its development in the UK over the last dozen years, to the point where all retail price controls have now been removed.… Continue Reading

EP 08

Tooraj Jamasb Reform and Regulation of the Electricity Sectors in Developing Countries EP 08  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The 1990s witnessed a worldwide trend toward electricity sector reforms in developed and developing economies. These reforms have generally been based on private participation, regulatory reform, and competition in the sector. This paper reviews and… Continue Reading

EP 07

Richard Gilbert, Karsten Neuhoff, David Newbery Allocating Transmission to Mitigate Market Power in Electricity Networks EP 07 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: We ask what conditions transmission contracts increase or mitigate market power. We show that the allocation process of transmission rights is crucial. In an efficient arbitraged uniform price auction, generators will only… Continue Reading

EP 06

Tanga McDaniel, Karsten Neuhoff Auctions to gas transmission access: The British experience EP 06 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: When access to monopoly owned networks is constrained auctioning access rights can increase the efficiency of allocations relative to negotiation and grandfathering when there is sufficient competition among network users. Historically, access rights to entry… Continue Reading

EP 05

Karsten Neuhoff Optimal congestion treatment for bilateral electricity trading EP 05  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: How to treat transmission constraints in electricity markets that are not based on a pool but on bilateral trading? Three approaches are currently discussed: First, the system operator resolves constraints and socialises costs; second, physical transmission contracts; third,… Continue Reading

EP 04

Tanga McDaniel, Karsten Neuhoff Use of long-term auctions for network investment EP 04  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Short-term auctions for access to entry terminals of the British gas-network appear to successfully allocate scarce resources and capture scarcity rent. Now long-term auctions are being introduced to guide future capacity expansion decisions. In our model… Continue Reading

EP 03

Toru Hattori, Tooraj Jamasb, Michael G Pollitt A comparison of UK and Japanese electricity distribution performance 1985-1998: lessons for incentive regulation EP 03  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: International comparisons can be used to study relative efficiency of decision-making units in an industry in a wider context. In particular, cross-country comparisons can, help regulators of… Continue Reading

EP 02

Paul Joskow, Edward Kahn A quantitative analysis of pricing behaviour in California’s wholesale electricity market during summer 2000: the final word EP 02  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: During the Summer of 2000, wholesale electricity prices in California were nearly 500% higher than they were during the same months in 1998 or 1999. This… Continue Reading

EP 01

David Newbery Issues and options for restructuring electricity supply industries EP01 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The electricity supply industry is highly capital-intensive, whose success depends critically upon the management of its investment. In most developing countries investment is poorly managed, poorly maintained, and often inadequate. Inadequate regulation or political control lead to low… Continue Reading

Will the lights go out? Energy Policy to 2020 (11.03.10)

Presentation Download The lights stayed on for EPRG Festival of Social Science and Cambridge Science Festival Event The EPRG held a panel event on Thursday 11 March in Little Hall under the ESRC Festival of Social Science and the Cambridge Festival of Science. Open to all, an audence made up of academic, researchers and the general… Continue Reading

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EPRG Festival of Ideas event (28.10.10)

Energy Policies: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly Using interactive technology, the EPRG explains which current energy policies (carbon prices, renewable subsidies, winter fuel payments, smart meters etc) make economic sense, which should be dropped and which will always be messy? Presentation Download Podcast available at Judge Business School Website  More podcasts of the… Continue Reading

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EPRG Festival of Ideas Event (27.10.11)

Energy Policy: Should Scientist be in Charge? The EPRG lifts the lid on the long-standing dispute between engineers and economists. Who knows best and whose contributions should be used to solve the problems of energy usage in the UK today? We look for the middle ground between the two. Audience participation though interactive voting is… Continue Reading

Filed Under: Uncategorised

A Conference in Honour of the 65th birthday of Professor David M.G. Newbery

In September 2008 a special edition of the Energy Journal was produced in honour of Professor David Newbery.  On the 12 and 13 September 2008 a Dinner and Conference was also held in his honour with presentations from the authors of papers in the Journal Conference Agenda Stephen Littlechild – Chairs of Applied Economics and… Continue Reading

Filed Under: Uncategorised

EPRG 0902

William Yu and Michael Pollitt Does Liberalisation cause more electricity blackouts? Evidence from a global study of newspaper reports EPRG 0902  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: There is a public perception that electricity liberalisation is the major cause of recent electricity blackouts. This is reflected in the newspaper reporting of blackouts. By contrast, it… Continue Reading

EPRG 0901

Tooraj Jamasb and Michael Pollitt Electricity Sector Liberalisation and Innovation: An Analysis of the UK Patenting Activities EPRG 0901 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Jamasb, T. and Pollitt, M. ‘Electricity Sector Liberalisation and Innovation: An Analysis of the UK Patenting Activities’, Research Policy Abstract: Liberalisation has had a marked effect on innovative activities… Continue Reading

EPRG 1036

François Lévêque France’s new Electricity Act: a barrier against the market and the European Union EPRG 1036  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper undertakes an ex ante assessment of the new French Electricity Act which was adopted in November 2010. This act gives EDF’s rivals access to a portion of the electricity generated… Continue Reading

EPRG 1035

Dominique Finon The Efficiency of Policy Instruments for the Deployment of CCS as a Large-sized Technology EPRG 1035 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper analyses a set of policy instruments designed to support investment during the learning phase of CCS technology, following the demonstration stage. The focus is on specific barriers to learning… Continue Reading

EPRG 1034

Aoife Brophy Haney, Tooraj Jamasb, Laura M. Platchkov, Michael G. Pollitt Demand-side Management Strategies and the Residential Sector: Lessons from International Experience EPRG 1034 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper explores demand side management (DSM) strategies, including both demand response and energy efficiency policies. The aim is to uncover what features might strengthen… Continue Reading

EPRG 1033

Vladimir Parail Properties of Electricity Prices and the Drivers of Interconnector Revenue EPRG 1033 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper examines the drivers behind revenues of merchant electricity interconnectors and the effect of arbitrage trading over interconnectors on the level and volatility of electricity prices in the connected markets. It sets out a… Continue Reading

EPRG 1032

Tim Laing and Michael Grubb Low Carbon Electricity Investment: The Limitations of Traditional Approaches and a Radical Alternative EPRG 1032 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Moving to a very low carbon electricity system is central to meeting the goals of UK energy policy, and indeed to the wider global challenge of tackling climate change.… Continue Reading

EPRG 1031

Florent Silve and Pierre Noël Cost Curves for Gas Supply Security: The Case of Bulgaria EPRG 1031 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: We evaluate the cost-effectiveness of various policy options and infrastructure investment proposals to improve the security of gas supply in Bulgaria, one of the most gas insecure countries in the European Union.… Continue Reading

EPRG 1030

Aoife Brophy Haney and Michael G. Pollitt New Models of Public Ownership in Energy EPRG 1030 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper discusses some of the new and continuing ways in which the public sector is involved in the electricity / energy sector around the world. This involvement continues to be significant in… Continue Reading

EPRG 1029

Aurélie Méjean and Chris Hope The Effect of CO2 Pricing on Conventional and Non-Conventional Oil Supply and Demand EPRG 1029 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: What would be the effect of CO2 pricing on global oil supply and demand? This paper introduces a model describing the interaction between conventional and non-conventional oil supply in… Continue Reading

EPRG 1028

Helena Meier Health Satisfaction and Energy Spending EPRG 1028 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This study explores the link between energy spending and health satisfaction. We aim to show that energy spending is a driver of health satisfaction and therefore of the overall quality of life of individuals. This has important implications for policy… Continue Reading

EPRG 1027

Tooraj Jamasb, Luis Orea and Michael G. Pollitt Estimating Marginal Cost of Quality Improvements: The Case of the UK Electricity Distribution Companies EPRG 1027 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to develop an econometric approach to estimation of marginal costs of improving quality of service. We implement this… Continue Reading

EPRG 1026

Chi Kong Chyong, Pierre Noёl and David M. Reiner The Economics of the Nord Stream Pipeline System EPRG 1026 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: We calculate the total cost of building Nord Stream and compare its levelised unit transportation cost with the existing options to transport Russian gas to western Europe. We find that… Continue Reading

EPRG 1025

Christian Growitsch, Tooraj Jamasb, and Heike Wetzel Efficiency Effects of Quality of Service and Environmental Factors: Experience from Norwegian Electricity Distribution EPRG 1025 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Growitsch, C, Jamasb, T &  Wetzel, H (2012) “Efficiency effects of observed and unobserved heterogeneity: Evidence from Norwegian electricity distribution networks”. Energy Economics Volume… Continue Reading

EPRG 1023

David M Newbery Oil Shortages, Climate Change and Collective Action EPRG 1023 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF | Appendix Also published in: Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society Publishing A, 13 May 2011 vol. 369 (1942), pp1748-1761 – Text Abstract: Concerns over future oil scarcity might not be so worrying but for the high carbon content of… Continue Reading

EPRG 1022

Harry van der Weijde and Benjamin F. Hobbs Locational-based Coupling of Electricity Markets: Benefits from Coordinating Unit Commitment and Balancing Markets EPRG 1022 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Journal of Regulatory Economics, June 2011, vol.39 (3), pp 223-251 Abstract: We formulate a series of stochastic models for committing and dispatching electric generators… Continue Reading

EPRG 1020

Tooraj Jamasb, Luis Orea, Michael G. Pollitt Weather Factors and Performance of Network Utilities: A Methodology and Application to Electricity Distribution EPRG 1020 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Incentive regulation and efficiency analysis of network utilities often need to take the effect of important external factors, such as the weather conditions, into account. This… Continue Reading

EPRG 1019

Andreas Ehrenmann and Yves Smeers Stochastic Equilibrium Models for Generation Capacity Expansion EPRG 1019 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Capacity expansion models in the power sector were among the first applications of operations research to the industry. We introduce stochastic equilibrium versions of these models that we believe provide a relevant context for looking… Continue Reading

EPRG 1018

Michel-Alexandre Cardin, Steven J. Steer, William J. Nuttall, Geoffrey T. Parks, Leonardo V.N. Gonçalves, Richard de Neufville Minimizing the Cost of Innovative Nuclear Technology Through Flexibility: The Case of a Demonstration Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Reactor Park EPRG 1018 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF | Cost Model Abstract: Presented is a methodology to analyze the expected Levelised… Continue Reading

EPRG 1017

Stephen Littlechild The Creation of a Market for Retail Electricity Supply EPRG 1017  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Stephen Littlechild, (2010). “The Creation of a Market for Retail Electricity Supply,” RSCAS Working Papers 2010/57, European University Institute Abstract: In September 1989, as part of its privatization program, the Government laid down an… Continue Reading

EPRG 1016

Yves Smeers, Giorgia Oggioni, Elisabetta Allevi and Siegfried Schaible Generalized Nash Equilibrium and Market Coupling in the European Power System EPRG 1016  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: “Market Coupling” is currently seen as the most advanced market design in the restructuring of the European electricity market. Market coupling, by construction, introduces what is generally… Continue Reading

EPRG 1015

Jevgenijs Steinbuks Interfuel Substitution and Energy Use in the UK Manufacturing Sector EPRG 1015  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper investigates interfuel substitution in the UK manufacturing sector. Econometric models of interfuel substitution are applied to energy inputs aggregated by their energy use, and separately for thermal heating processes, where interfuel substitution is… Continue Reading

EPRG 1014

Lin Fan, Benjamin F. Hobbs and Catherine S. Norman Risk Aversion and CO2 Regulatory Uncertainty in Power Generation Investment: Policy and Modeling Implications EPRG 1014  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Our simulation considers producers in a competitive energy market. Risk averse producers face uncertainty about future carbon regulation. Investment decisions are a two-stage equilibrium… Continue Reading

EPRG 1013

Steven J. Steer, Michel-Alexandre Cardin, William J. Nuttall, Geoffrey T. Parks and Leonardo V. N. Gonçalves Hedging Against Technology Risks of the Accelerator System of a First-of-a-Kind Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Reactor EPRG 1013 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: Demonstrating the generation of electricity with Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) technology will incur substantial financial risk both… Continue Reading

EPRG 1012

Aoife Brophy Haney and Michael G.Pollitt Exploring the Determinants of “best practice” in Network Regulation: The Case of the Electricity Industry EPRG 1012 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Brophy Haney, A & Pollitt, M (2011) “Exploring the Determinants of “best practice” in Network Regulation: The Case of the Electricity Industry”, Energy Policy… Continue Reading

EPRG 1011

David M. Newbery A Nuclear Future? UK Government Policy and the Role of the Market EPRG 1011 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Economic Affairs 30 (2) 2010, 21-27. Available at Wiley InterScience Abstract: Meeting carbon targets requires decarbonising electricity. The least cost strategy involves nuclear power. In a liberalised electricity market, the… Continue Reading

EPRG 1010

Benjamin F. Hobbs, James Bushnell and Frank A. Wolak Upstream vs. Downstream CO2 Trading: A Comparison for the Electricity Context EPRG 1010 | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: In electricity, “downstream” CO2 regulation requires retail suppliers to buy energy from a mix of sources so that their weighted emissions satisfy a standard. It has been… Continue Reading

EPRG 1008

Sachi Findlater and Pierre Noël Gas Supply Security in the Baltic States: A Qualitative Assessment EPRG 1008  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: International Journal of Energy Sector Management 4 (2) 2010, 236-255. Available from Emerald Abstract:  In a setting of increasing European concern over gas supply security, this article provides an empirical… Continue Reading

EPRG 1007

Pär Holmberg and David Newbery The supply function equilibrium and its policy implications for wholesale electricity auctions EPRG 1007  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Also published in: Holmberg, P. and Newbery, D. M. (2010), “The Supply Function Equilibrium and its Policy Implications for Wholesale Electricity Auctions”, Utilities Policy 18(4), pp 209-226 | Text Abstract: The… Continue Reading

EPRG 1006

Jevgenijs Steinbuks and Karsten Neuhoff Operational and Investment Response to Energy Prices in the OECD Manufacturing Sector EPRG 1006  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: This paper estimates the vintage capital model of energy demand and examines operational and investment responses to energy prices at disaggregate level using data from five OECD manufacturing industries. Applying… Continue Reading

EPRG 1005

Aurélie Méjean and Chris Hope Supplying Synthetic Crude Oil from Canadian Oil Sands: A Comparative Study of the Costs and CO2 Emissions of Mining and In-situ Recovery EPRG 1005  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: High crude oil prices and the eventual decline of conventional oil production raise the issue of alternative fuels such as… Continue Reading

EPRG 1004

Tim Laing and Michael Grubb The Impact of Instrument Choice on Investment in Abatement Technologies: A Case Study of Tax versus Trade Incentives for CCS and Biomass for Electricity EPRG 1004  | Non-Technical Summary | PDF Abstract: There has been a wide discussion on the different properties between carbon taxes, cap-and-trade schemes and hybrid instruments… Continue Reading