Short Description: CAPPCCO (Chinese Advanced Power Plant Carbon Capture Options)
The CAPPCCO project, led by Imperial College London with partners from both academia and industry in the UK and China had three broad goals, to:
- Develop and define options for integrating carbon dioxide capture plant with advanced Chinese pulverised coal power plants to allow a rapid transition to a high level of CO2 emission reductions
- Assess performance of advanced (non-CO2) pollutant control technologies on Chinese coals.
- Identify and engage with key stakeholders to ensure that relevant information transfer takes place
Cambridge was responsible for the third objective, in particular, conducting surveys of Chinese stakeholders from industry, academia and government, in several regions. Further information can be found here
Amount Awarded: £85,383 (DECC)
Duration: 18 Dec 2007 – 31 May 2011
EPRG Participants: David Reiner, Xi Liang
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