Short Description: FENCO-ERA “Impact of Communication”
The main assumption of the project is that communication on CCS should enable the public to develop their own well-considered opinions on the technologies, otherwise the strength with which the opinions on CCS are held will be very low and therefore these opinions will be very unstable. If public attitudes are very unstable they are worthless for predicting future support for CCS. Therefore, the aim of the project is to develop recommendations for the communication of CCS enabling the public to establish their own informed opinions. The project partners carried out a comparative study of the communication of CCS in six European countries: Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania and the United Kingdom. The comparative approach is based on two main methods applied in all countries: a) a representative survey of citizens to investigate the awareness, knowledge and opinions of the public concerning climate change, energy technologies and CCS, and b) a study that compares the effectiveness of two different methods for communicating CCS (focus groups and Information-Choice Questionnaire) which both aim to enable lay persons to develop their own well-considered opinions. More information can be found here
Amount Awarded: £72,000 (DECC)
Duration: 2009 – 2010
EPRG Participants: David Reiner, Rebecca Firth, Ioanna Boulouta, Glenn Kristiansen
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