Short Description: Near CO2 New Participation and communication strategies for neighbours of CO2 capture and storage operations
The purpose of this project is to develop effective strategies for:
- Objective communication to stakeholders and the public at large about risks and advantages of CO2 capture and storage.
- Involving stakeholders and the public in local decision-making on CCS projects
Cambridge took the lead looking at drivers and determinants of public and stakeholder attitudes. As part of the project, surveys were conducted comparing the attitudes of national and regional publics and regional stakeholders to proposed CCS projects in five countries: UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain. Other aspects of the project included an experiment to investigate the impact of visual information, focus groups to assess responses to a CCS multimedia presentation developed by the project team, case studies of local involvement in deployment of both CCS and non-CCS projects across Europe and communications materials for use in projects. More information can be found at here
Amount Awarded: £179,964 (EC FP7)
Duration: 1 Apr 2009 – 31 Mar 2011
EPRG Participants: David Reiner, Hauke Riesch, Xi Liang
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