Short Description: SUPERGEN – Flexnet
FlexNet aims to build on the work of FutureNet by investigating the major technical, economic, policy and social developments that need to happen to make flexible networks a reality. Thorough analysis is combined with illustrations of specific outputs where possible, so that ideas can be taken up and implemented by the commercial sector, government and regulators.
EPRG work as part of FlexNet comes under the following work packages:
- Markets and Investment: Exploring the market design, investment incentives and policy changes necessary for companies to create a flexible energy system
- Customers, Citizens and Loads: Analysing the potential, barriers and public acceptance issues surrounding greater contributions by customers to a more flexible energy system. A book entitled The Future of Electricity Demand: Customers, Citizens and Loads (edited by T.Jamasb and M.Pollitt) will be published in 2011 by CUP
Amount Awarded: £644,690 (EPSRC)
Duration: Oct 2007- Sept 2011
EPRG Participants: Karsten Neuhoff, Michael Pollitt, Tooraj Jamasb, Jevgenijs Steinbuks, Ben Hobbs, Aoife Brophy Haney, Laura Platchkov, Harry van der Weijde
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