Short Description: UK-SHEC

UKSHEC (United Kingdom Sustainable Hydrogen Energy Consortium) is a research programme that aims to develop new energy systems based on hydrogen and foster the adoption of renewable technologies, notably biomass and marine energy. The Consortium is Universities of Bath, Oxford, Birmingham, Cambridge, Glasgow, Manchester, Nottingham, Salford, Strathclyde, University College London and the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC). EPRG are running the Sub-Working Package 1 of the UKSHEC PlusProgramme, about innovation processes and technologies, working on a multi-criteria decision model with stochastic learning rates which analyze the trade-off between cost and diversity in the UK energy mix in relation to the carbon reduction goals for 2050. The model is expected to provide useful information on the possible paths of UK energy portfolio towards 2050 and on the role of learning curves in relationship to future cost of renewable technologies such as wind, marine and biomass. In a following phase, results will be used by the UCL Energy Institute as inputs for their studies on UK energy system

Amount Awarded: £100,132 (EPSRC)

Duration: October 2007 – June 2012

EPRG Participants: Michael Grubb, Davide Cerruti

Filed Under: Uncategorised

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