During the workshop initial results from the second phase of the Climate Strategies International Support for Domestic Action project were presented; including country studies on domestic policies, analysis of the role of policy indicators; and international support mechanisms.
Workshop Presentations, 5th June 2009, GTZ Bonn
Heleen de Coninck International Technology Support Mechanisms
Karsten Neuhoff The Role of Indicators for Effective Policy Implementation
Country Study Presentations
William Gboney Policy and Regulatory Framework for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Ghana: Enhancing Technology Transfer
Xiliang Zhang China’s Wind Industry: Lessons for Domestic Policy Interventions and International Support
Anoop Singh Climate Co-Benefit Policies in the Indian Power Sector – Drivers, Actors & Barriers
Max Edkins Large-Scale Rollout of Concentrated Solar Power in South Africa
Marcia Valle Real Policy Implementation for Low-Carbon Freight and International Support Options in Brazil
UNFCCC Side Event, Saturday 6th June, Hotel Maritim Bonn
Presentation – International Support for Domestic Climate Action in Developing Countries
In connection with the workshop, initial results from the project were presented in a Side Event during the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change talks. The presentation summarised country case study work, international support mechanisms for developing countries, and discussed the role of indicators for monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV).
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