Author Archives: EPRG Admin

Book “The Future of Electricity Demand: Customers, Citizens and Loads” by M. Pollitt and T. Jamasb

What will electricity and heat demand look like in a low-carbon world? Ambitious environmental targets will modify the shape of the electricity sector in the twenty-first century. ‘Smart’ technologies and demand-side management will be some of the key features of the future of electricity systems in a low-carbon world. Meanwhile, the social and behavioural dimensions… Continue Reading

Book “Energy and Innovation: Structural Change and Policy Implications” by M. van Geenhuizen, W. Nuttall, D. Gibson, E. Oftedal

The move towards sustainable energy production and use is one the most challenging and profound changes currently taking place in the world’s established and emerging economies. Energy and Innovation: Structural Change and Policy Implications presents a series of informative case studies from Norway, the United Kingdom, Poland, the United States, Russia, Japan, and China that… Continue Reading

Book “Security Of Energy Supply In Europe: Natural Gas, Nuclear and Hydrogen” by F. Lévêque, J. Glachant, J. Barquín, C. von Hirschhausen, F. Holz, and W. Nuttall

In economic, technical and political terms, the security of energy supply is of the utmost importance for Europe. Alongside competition and sustainability, supply security represents a cornerstone of the EU’s energy policy, and in times of rising geopolitical conflict plays an increasingly important role in its external relations. Within this context, the contributors analyse and… Continue Reading

Book “Delivering a Low-Carbon Electricity System: Technologies, Economics and Policy” M. Grubb, T. Jamasb, M. Pollitt

Meeting targets aimed at tackling the climate change challenge requires moving towards a low-carbon economy. These targets can only be met with major reductions in carbon emissions from the electricity sector. Written by a team of leading academics and industry experts, Delivering a Low Carbon Electricity System analyses the social, technological, economic and political issues… Continue Reading

Book “Privatisation and Financial Collapse in the Nuclear Industry: The Origins and Causes of the British Energy Crisis of 2002” by S. Taylor

A timely contribution and incisive analysis, this is the story of the British experiment in privatizing the nuclear power industry and its subsequent financial collapse. It tells how the UK’s pioneering role in nuclear power led to bad technology choices, a badly flawed restructuring of the electricity industry and the end of government support for nuclear… Continue Reading

Book “Future Electricity Technologies and Systems”, by T. Jamasb, W. Nuttall, M. Pollitt

Where will our electricity come from in the future, and how will we use it? The UK is aiming for a 60% reduction of 1990 carbon dioxide emission levels by 2050, yet the electricity industry and patterns of electricity use must change radically if this is to be achieved. This authoritative overview analyses a range of… Continue Reading

Book “Nuclear Renaissance: Technologies and Policies for the Future of Nuclear Power” by W. Nuttall

With growing concerns over environmental issues and global energy consumption, there is increasing interest in nuclear power generation, despite its diminished role in the West over the last few decades. Many of those involved with nuclear power and environmental agencies see controlled expansion of nuclear plants as the most environmentally friendly way of meeting growing… Continue Reading

Thomas Tangerås

Senior Research Fellow, Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm, Sweden  Telephone: +46 (0) 8 665 45 26  Email: [email protected]  Research Interests: Electricity markets and regulation. Background: Thomas Tangerås directs the “Sustainable Energy Transition” research program at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics in Stockholm. He has held visiting positions at University of Toulouse and Stanford… Continue Reading

C.K. Chyong quoted in “Deeper Reforms Needed for Ukrainian Gas Market”, 12 June 2015

C. K. Chyong was quoted in an article “Deeper reforms needed for Ukrainian gas market” published in ICIS website newsletter – the world largest petrochemical market information provider that covers Energy among other subjects.   “The Ukraine’s new gas market law will have little impact on the transparency and efficiency of the country’s gas sector if… Continue Reading

Jim Krane

Wallace S. Wilson Fellow for Energy Studies, Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA Tel: +1 713 348-3567 Email: [email protected] Biography: Jim Krane, Ph.D., is the Wallace S. Wilson Fellow for Energy Studies at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. His research addresses the geopolitical aspects of energy, with a focus on the Middle… Continue Reading

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David Tingle

David Tingle Doctoral Candidate, Department of Government, Georgetown University (Washington DC) Biography: David Tingle studies international relations (IR) and international political economy (IPE) with a focus on energy, trade, and foreign direct investment. His dissertation examines the causes and consequences of international investments made by state-owned enterprises. While visiting at EPRG David is working with Dr. Reiner on… Continue Reading

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Christopher Knittel

Director, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, MIT, USA Tel: +1 617 324-0015 Email: [email protected] Biography: Christopher Knittel is the William Barton Rogers Professor of Energy Economics in the Sloan School of Management and the Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He joined the… Continue Reading

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2015 EPRG Spring Seminar

EPRG is pleased to announce our successful 2015 Spring Seminar in partnership with FTI Consulting and Compass Lexecon. On June 4, 2015 EPRG hosted delegates to a dinner at Newnham College, and on June 5, 2015 at The Moller Centre for a full-day seminar.  Programme SESSION 1 – EU Energy Union – which way forward for the… Continue Reading

Kamiar Mohaddes

Associate Professor in Economics & Policy, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge Email: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 766 933 Research Interests: Macroeconomics; Global and National Macroeconometric Modelling; Energy Economics; Climate Change Background: Kamiar Mohaddes is an economist at the Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow in Economics at Girton… Continue Reading

Op-ed “Brussels Blames Gazprom for Its Own Failings” by Pierre Noel

Pierre Noel, senior fellow for Economic and Energy Security at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Singapore and Associate Researcher at EPRG, published an article “Brussels Blames Gazprom for Its Own Failings” in Financial Times on 29 April 2015.  “The Russian state-owed company stands accused of anti-competitive practices allowing it to charge “unfair prices” in several… Continue Reading

C.K. Chyong quoted in “EU Importing More Russian Gas Ahead Of Winter “, Montel, 16 April 2015

Chi Kong Chyong was quoted in an article on Montel website – key information provider for the European energy markets in Norway, –  on reasons behind increasing purchases of Russian gas by European Union. “European buyers are playing “intertemporal arbitrage” whereby they dry up gas in their storage facilities and re-inject them when Russian gas prices are lower in… Continue Reading

C. K. Chyong quoted in “Never Ending Story Of Opportunities: Caspian Blue Energy Is Salvation For EU”, Eurasia Review, 20 April 2015

Chi Kong Chyong was quoted in Eurasia Review, an independent on-line journal and think tank, on possibilities and challenges for Caspian countries, like Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Iran, to be gas suppliers to the EU. The article also appeared in AzerNews and New Europe. “Azerbaijan is perhaps the only supplier in the region able to respond to the EU’s gas… Continue Reading

C.K. Chyong quoted in “Turkish Stream Project Success Promises Benefits, Profits To Many South-Eastern EU States”, PenzaNews, 10 April 2015

Chi Kong Chyong was quoted in PenzaNews, an independent on-line news agency in Penza, Russia, on possible perspectives and benefits for Europe by using different gas suppliers, and on the outcomes if Turkish Stream is built in full. “Co-existence between the two (gas suppliers from Russia and Azerbaijan) is not an issue, at least for Europe as the clients… Continue Reading


For Cambridge PhD Students – please note that you must be a PhD student within the University of Cambridge before applying for EPRG membership   For Research Visitors – please read carefully before contacting any member of EPRG   Continue Reading

2005 EPRG Winter Seminar

Programme SESSION 1 – SECURITY OF SUPPLY – GAS Chair:  Michael Pollitt            Karsten Neuhoff – Spot trade or long term contracting – a strategic perspective Christian von Hirschhausen – Long term supply of gas – LNG vs. Russian gas? SESSION 2 – SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Chair:  Janusz Bialek Tooraj Jamasb – Energy technology learning curves Michael… Continue Reading

2005 EPRG Spring Seminar

Programme SESSION 1 – TRANSMISSION Chair:  Michael Pollitt Richard Green – How much does it cost to get it wrong? David Newbery – Network pricing for distributed generation SESSION 2 – RENEWABLES Chair:    Denny Ellerman Paul Twomey – Non-CO2 benefits of renewables Karsten Neuhoff – System integration of wind SESSION 3 – MARKET DESIGN Chair:… Continue Reading

2006 EPRG Winter Seminar

Programme SESSION – 1 – THE EUROPEAN EMISSIONS TRADING SCHEME Felix Matthes – Where are we? Michael Grubb – The wider picture Karsten Neuhoff – Improving investment framework for low Carbon technologies SESSION 2 – MARKET DESIGN FOR LOW CARBON SYSTEMS Janusz Bialek – Why has it happened again? The European blackout of 4th November… Continue Reading

2006 EPRG Spring Seminar

Programme SESSION 1 – SECURITY OF SUPPLY– OIL AND GAS Pierre Noel – Chinese Energy Security and its Implications Peter Davies – Gas Insecurity: A Figment of the Imagination? SESSION 2 – TECHNOLOGY AND CARBON REDUCTION David Reiner – Prospects for Carbon Capture and Storage Karsten Neuhoff – Economic and Policy Frameworks for Energy Technology Deployment… Continue Reading

2007 EPRG Winter Seminar

Programme SESSION 1 – THE 20% RENEWABLE TARGET: IMPLICATIONS FOR ELECTRICITY SUPPLY Chair:  David Reiner, EPRG Mario Ragwitz (Frauenhofer) – Feasibility, cost and regional distribution Tera Allas (DBERR) – Increasing share of renewables and security of supply SESSION 2 – DELIVERING A LOW-CARBON ELECTRICITY SYSTEM Chair:  Tooraj Jamasb, EPRG Karsten Neuhoff (EPRG) –  Targets, prices and other policy instruments… Continue Reading

2007 EPRG Spring Seminar

Programme Session 1 – REGULATION Chair:  Michael Pollitt  Stephen Littlechild (JBS)  Negotiated settlements in Canada Christian Growitsch  (WIK, Bad Honnef) – Network regulation in Germany Session 2 – NATURAL GAS AND SECURITY OF SUPPLY Chair:  David Reiner Nick Butler (JBS) Natural Gas Into Europe: Geopolitics and Security Risks Carlos Lapuerta (Brattle)  Security of gas supply in… Continue Reading

2008 EPRG Winter Seminar

Programme SESSION 1 – INVESTMENT & THE CREDIT CRUNCH Chair: Bill Nuttall (EPRG, University of Cambridge) Jonathan Mirrlees-Black (Exane BNP-Paribas) Power generation Simon Taylor (JBS, University of Cambridge) Nuclear investment SESSION 2 – TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TO CHINA & INDIA Chair: Karsten Neuhoff (EPRG, University of Cambridge) David Reiner & Dabo Guan (EPRG, Cambridge) The scenarios… Continue Reading

2008 EPRG Spring Seminar

Programme SESSION 1 — REGIONAL ASPECTS OF RENEWABLE DEPLOYMENT Chairman: Karsten Neuhoff (EPRG) Mark O’Malley (University College, Dublin) The All Ireland Grid Study T Boehme, J Taylor, R Wallace & J Bialek (University of Edinburgh) The Scottish renewable resource assessment and implications for the grid SESSION 2 — TRANSMISSION MANAGEMENT FOR INTERMITTENT POWER Chairman: Michael… Continue Reading

2009 EPRG Winter Seminar

Programme SESSION 1 – COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CONSUMERS  Chair:  David Newbery (EPRG) Aoife Brophy Haney (EPRG) High Street retailers’ climate strategies Catherine Waddams (UEA) Social objectives and the market SESSION 2 – SECURITY OF SUPPLY  Chair:  Pierre Noël (EPRG) Kong Chyong Chi (EPRG) Bypassing Ukraine Ian Marlee (Ofgem) Risks to UK security of supply… Continue Reading

2009 EPRG Spring Seminar

Programme SESSION 1 – RPI @ 20: THE FUTURE OF GB ELECTRICITY REGULATION  Chairman:  David Newbery Hannah Nixon (Ofgem) Ofgem’s first report and the way forward Michael Pollitt (EPRG) Implications of the Climate Change Act SESSION 2 – DELIVERING THE LOW-CARBON FUTURE  Chairman:  Michael Pollitt Malcolm Keay (OIES) The end of UK electricity liberalisation Michael… Continue Reading

Hao Yu

Hao Yu PhD candidate in Centre for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEP), Beijing Institute of Technology, China ( E-mail: [email protected] Research areas: Energy and environmental policy; Low-carbon energy; Energy efficiency Publications : [1] Hao Yu, Bao-Jun Tang, Xiao-Chen Yuan, Shouyang Wang, Yi-Ming Wei. How do the appliance energy standards work in China? Evidence from… Continue Reading

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2010 EPRG Winter Seminar

Programme SESSION 1 – INVESTMENT  Chair:  Michael Pollitt (EPRG) Andreas Ehrenmann (GDF Suez) & Yves Smeers (UCLouvain) Capacity expansion Jostein Kristensen (Oxera) Investing in UK gas storage SESSION 2 – INTERNATIONAL GAS MARKETS Chair:  Pierre Noel (EPRG) Howard Rogers (OIES) The Atlantic LNG market Chi Kong Chyong (EPRG) European gas without Ukraine? SESSION 3 –… Continue Reading

2010 EPRG Spring Seminar

Programme SESSION 1 – ENERGY DEMAND Chair:  Ben Hobbs (EPRG) Julian Allwood (Univ. of Cambridge) Energy and material efficiency Michael Pollitt (EPRG) Economics of energy demand SESSION 2 – UK POLICY AND POLITICS Chair:  Pierre Noel (EPRG) David Newbery (EPRG) Carbon tax versus low-carbon obligation Willy Rickett (formerly DECC) Reconciling politics and policy SESSION 3… Continue Reading

2011 EPRG Winter Seminar

Programme SESSION 1 – EU V. MEMBER STATES: ISSUES IN POLICY-MAKING Chair: William Nuttall (EPRG) Daniel Radov (NERA) UK carbon price floor versus the ETS Pierre Noël (EPRG) Member States and the EU gas security Regulation SESSION 2 – RENEWABLES AND THE ELECTRICITY MARKET Chair: Michael Pollitt (EPRG) Graham Shuttleworth (NERA) Intermittency and generation investment… Continue Reading

2011 EPRG Spring Semimar

Programme SESSION 1 – WHY SUPPORT RENEWABLES? Chair:  William Nuttall (EPRG) Boaz Moselle (FTI Consulting) Why support renewables? Michael Grubb (EPRG & CCC) Cost, benefits & policy SESSION 2 – SUPPORT SCHEME: WHAT WORKS AND AT WHAT COST?  Chair:  Michael Pollitt (EPRG) Jorge Padilla (Compass Lexecon & CEPR) The Spanish experience David Newbery (EPRG) From… Continue Reading

Op-ed “Time for ‘tough love’ in EU-Ukraine energy relations” by C.K. Chyong and D. Reiner

CK Chyong and D. Reiner published an article “Time for ‘tough love’ in EU-Ukraine energy relations” in Europe’s World policy journal. Published every 4 months, Europe’s World is the only independent Europe-wide policy journal, produced in association with some 150-plus leading European think tanks and academic institutions. “If the EU is too forgiving in its… Continue Reading