Author Archives: EPRG Admin

Cost Benchmark Methodology for Gas Transmission System Operators (TSOs)

As the process of liberalisation of the European energy markets progresses, there is a need for promoting efficient operation and regulation of the natural monopoly transmission networks. The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) has commissioned a study of the feasibility of comparative efficiency analysis and benchmarking as a tool for regulation of the European… Continue Reading

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Model Comparison Project

The data: Data for the project was provided by ECN. This can be accessed at their electricity market web page. Results: To access the results generated by each model, please follow the links: ECN output file Madrid output file Cambridge output file Comparing the results generated by the different models shows how the structural and market design assumptions… Continue Reading

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ISDCP Workshop – May 2008

On May 26th and 27th 2008 we hosted a kick-off workshop for the projected which we convened with Climate Strategies. We addressed the following themes and experiences in relation to domestic climate policy: Barriers for implementation and enforcement: Sector and country case studies. International resources to support domestic policy: Policy based development and the EU enlargement process.… Continue Reading

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Workshop on international public finance to support south-north cooperation on domestic climate policy

University of Cambridge, 26th and 27th May 2008. Summary The workshop explored other options to support mitigation policies in developing countries through North-South cooperation arrangements. Particular attention was given to discussions on bilateral/multilateral governance and financing structures, and their ability to support far-reaching domestic policies in the South. Representatives from India, Ghana, China and Brazil… Continue Reading

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It has become clear that defining emission targets alone will not suffice to guide cooperation with developing countries. Cooperation on technology, capacity building, and direct provision of financial support is receiving increasing attention. This has raised the question of which indicators can be used to measure such activities. So far, CO2 emissions measurements are the… Continue Reading

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Bonn Workshop – International Support for Domestic Action

During the workshop initial results from the second phase of the Climate Strategies International Support for Domestic Action project were presented; including country studies on domestic policies, analysis of the role of policy indicators; and international support mechanisms. Workshop Agenda  Workshop Presentations, 5th June 2009, GTZ Bonn Heleen de Coninck  International Technology Support Mechanisms Karsten… Continue Reading

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ISDA – Country Study Workshops

To provide input for ISDA project, country study workshops addressing developing country priorities will be held during April and May 2009. The workshops aim to discuss domestic barriers, how can success of  domestic action can be managed and measured, and what type of international support mechanisms can enhance scale, scope and speed of implementation? The workshops… Continue Reading

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Brazil Country Study Workshop – May 2009

The Brazil workshop was held in Rio de Janeiro, on May 18th 2009, and summarized discussions on climate change impact, and international support for policy cooperation and technology transfer. During the workshop participants were asked to discuss within groups questions related to the kind or categories of measures or actions that should be used to… Continue Reading

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Ghana Country Study Workshop – April 2009

The Ghana workshop was held in Accra, Ghana, on April 8, 2009, and summarized discussions on climate change impact, and international support for renewable energy and energy efficiency technology transfer, at the workshop. Workshop Report by William Gboney: International Support to promote technology transfer and deployment, for renewable energy and energy efficiency in Ghana. Oppong-Boadi… Continue Reading

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International technology and policy cooperation: Workshop February 2009

The workshop links a discussion of results from the 2008 project “International Support for Domestic Climate Policy”  (ISDCP) with presentations and comparisons of recent concepts for technology cooperation. The workshop will result in a report on technology linkages, and refine the research agenda for the 6 month project International Support for Domestic Action (ISDA) for… Continue Reading

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ISDCP – Project Outcome 2008

Following a kick-off workshop in May, this project develops six country case studies and five discussion papers on international support for domestic climate policy. The country studies focus on domestic climate policies in China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Hungary, and Ghana. While several institutional papers address international incentive schemes and compliance mechanisms, policy targets and… Continue Reading

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